Photo by Paco S on Unsplash

Living rooms and other things Millennials also don’t need.

Chaz Hutton


Yesterday it was gleefully reported by click-hungry media that the architect Patrik Schumacher had mentioned that Millennials don’t need living rooms’ which drew some predictable attention, mostly from us Millennials wondering why we’re the ones losing out in the apparent living room shortage.

But why stop at living rooms? Here’s some other things we Millennials don’t need, and frankly, don’t even want.


That’s right. Get rid of our kitchens. Millenials only really use these colossal wastes of space to make avocado toast, and you can pretty much make that anywhere, so screw it, get rid of the kitchen and squeeze another bedroom in there to cut down on our astronomical rent.


Pubs and Cafes have bathrooms, and now that we’re in those eating food due to a lack of a kitchen at home, we might as well scrap our bathrooms and use the free space to set up that professional kombucha micro-brewery we’ve always talked about.


Yep, Beds too. Gone. You’ve read all those articles about how we’re all supposedly more promiscuous right? Well, it’s all completely true and now that we’re apparently spending more nights in other people’s bed than our own we might as well…

