How To Draw a Croissant When You Can’t Really Draw a Croissant.

Chaz Hutton
7 min readNov 12, 2019

A lot of people say ‘Oh, I can’t draw’, but if you can make a rudimentary mark on a piece of paper, then technically you can draw.

I know, I know, that’s a pretty low bar, but we’ve gotta start somewhere, and I don’t want to scare you off.

So, with that in mind here’s a few tricks to take your pathetic primitive scrawls and make them marginally better. (again, let’s not raise the expectation bar too high)

Oh, before I go on, this is essentially a ‘Part 2’ of this article explaining how it’s surprisingly easy to draw comics. Although this could also be Part 1, so it doesn’t really matter what order you consume them.

Okay, let’s do this.

Now go get a pen…

A Good Pen.

First of all, your drawings probably look rubbish because you’re using an old biro that happened to be laying around. Nobody’s used one of these since cassette tapes stopped needing to be fixed, so throw that in the drawer full of batteries, twine and assorted electrical tape from whence it came.

Instead, go thicker. Go felt tip. Go a marker if that’s all you got. Because if your drawing skills aren’t very good, going thicker is always a good way to hide this fact.

