How to Get a Work Permit inside Canada Easy Guide

2 min readJul 11, 2024


Are you in Canada and want to work? You need a work-permit-inside-canada! This guide will help you understand how to get one step-by-step.

What is a work permit inside Canada?

A work permit inside Canada is permission from the Canadian government that allows you to work while you are in Canada.

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting a Work Permit Inside Canada

1. Check If You Qualify

To get a work permit inside Canada, you need to:
Have a job offer from a Canadian employer
Be a student, visitor, or worker in Canada with legal status
Meet health and security requirements

2. Collect Your Documents

You need to gather important documents like:
Your passport or travel document
Your current visa or study permit
Your job offer letter
Proof that you meet the job requirements (like your resume or certificates)

3. Apply Online

Go to the official Government of Canada website and fill out the application form for a work permit inside Canada. Make sure all information is correct.

4. Pay the Fee

There is a fee for the application. Pay it online and keep the receipt.

5. Submit Your Application

Submit your application online. Make sure all your documents are included and properly filled out.

6. Provide Biometrics

You might need to give your biometrics (fingerprints and a photo). Check the nearest biometrics collection center on the official website.

7. Wait for Approval

It takes some time for your application to be processed. You can check the status of your application online.

8. Start Working

Once your work-permit-inside-canada is approved, you can start working! Make sure you follow the rules and conditions of your permit.

Tips for Success

Start Early: Begin your application as soon as you can.
Be Careful: Make sure all your documents are complete and correct.
Stay Updated: Keep checking the Government of Canada website for any updates.
Ask for Help: If you need help, talk to an immigration consultant or a legal expert.

Getting a work permit inside Canada is your key to working in Canada. Follow these steps carefully, and you will be able to work and live in Canada happily!

