How I Crossed 1.2M Impressions Without A Big Following

Ever heard of the phrase “It’s a numbers game”? What if there’s more to just a numbers game?

Cheanu Chew
3 min readJun 7, 2022

I wasn’t writing content on LinkedIn two years ago. Back then, I had 314 connections. Whenever I felt like writing something, these were some of the lies I told myself to stay out of it:

Top 3 lies I told myself ↓

  • I wasn’t ready yet — let me expand my connections first; otherwise no one will see what I posted and I would be talking to the void
  • I didn’t know how — to be like other creators who nailed it; let me spend more time learning first so I can do it right the first time
  • I had no time to — I was busy attending networking meetings; face-to-face and in-person meetings were the norm back then, so content writing seemed like “additional workload”

💡 One day, I realized that if I don’t start — from anywhere — I would very much likely end up no where.

So I started writing, despite not having an audience.

I started engaging with other people’s content, despite not having them engage with mine in return.

I started going live on LinkedIn, despite not having a fully set up cool-looking studio to broadcast from.

I started, despite.

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I crossed 1.2M impressions on LinkedIn, but they didn’t all happen on the same day.

Here are 21 lessons I’ve learnt along the way (in no particular order):

  1. People engage with posts that are entertaining, educational or empowering.
  2. When to give value, when to ask for a sale: Give 6 times, ask 1 time.
  3. Before replying to a DM for the first time, read their profile first.
  4. Add your unique perspective to commonly discussed issues.
  5. Reply to each comment on your posts, as much as you can.
  6. Always have at least 10 future posts in your content bank.
  7. Study who are your target audience, and their psychology.
  8. Learn how to write for social media, it’s always evolving.
  9. Formatting of your posts is as important as the grammar.
  10. Tell your audience what you want them to do, literally.
  11. Be interested first, instead of trying to be interesting.
  12. Streamline your post to one clear message per post.
  13. Leave insightful comments on other people’s posts.
  14. Master the craft of writing powerful opening lines.
  15. Spend time engaging and interacting with people.
  16. When a piece of content works, analyze the why.
  17. Write consistently, engage consistently, despite.
  18. Learn a variety of content creation style.
  19. Have a solid content planning flow.
  20. Write to express, not to impress.
  21. Stay consistent.

It’s more than just a numbers game. It’s about building strong habits that serve you in the long-run: the habits of staying consistent, of showing up despite, of expansion through engagement. Behind the numbers that did convert, are people who are willing to build a relationship with you and your brand. It truly is, more than just a numbers game.

Which of the 21 lessons above resonate most with you? Join the conversation! ⭐

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Cheanu Chew

💯 Network Marketing Coach 🧲 Creator of the Magnetic Upline ⚡️ Strategies for 100% Results 🥇 Attract & Scale A Downline Team 🔗