My Essay Writing Success: Ways to Make a Successful Essay

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4 min readOct 23, 2019


The Successful Businessman

Starting something big never did get easy.

Even if you did something countless times, the new ones will always be hard to start.

A successful businessman is not the one who opened up branch to branch or store to store in just a year. He is the one who risked a loaned money to start up something small. Gambled his earnings to put up another one after several years. And, gambled again to start up something new.

It never comes as a breeze. Oftentimes, he will even fail. But, that is normal! Failure and moments of being stuck are parts of the cycle.

Do you know how he became successful?

He is a born business tycoon? No.

He is smart? Could be.

He became successful because he never stopped learning. He always sought mentors and asked the right questions. He was never alone to make it to the top.

That is why we are congratulating you for the fact that you sought help on how to make a successful essay writing session: You are about to get successful!

The Right Questions

“How can I make a successful essay?”

“How can I improve my essay writing?”

Asking the right questions (yes, not just any kind of question) leads us to the completion of our goals. You may the aforementioned questions right now, so, let us start with that.

“How can I make a successful essay?”

1. Topic Choice — Often, the topic will be provided and you are required to write around that. But, there will be cases in which you have to choose your topic. Commonly, one would say, “Choose a popular topic. Or a recent topic.”. We say choose a topic that you are knowledgeable and passionate about. If you are an amateur writer, something you have strong feelings about will be the best bet. You tend to do better (and more) when you are talking about something you know and like.

2. Your Audience — Know and always be aware of who you want to talk to with your essay. This is important so your choice of words and tone of voice will be amicable to your readers.

3. Timing — “There is a time for everything,’’ the saying goes. This also applies to essay writing. There will be times when we are not mentally present. During those moments, we might miss important or good words/data that can make our essay successful. So, condition yourself before writing. Know when you are in your best and clearest state of mind. It is recommended not to write if you are sick or emotionally unstable.

4. Flow — A good essay will be consistent. If you are going to write an essay about hunger, keep talking about hunger until the conclusion. Never deviate from the topic. But, if you ever do, make sure you will go back quickly.

5. Sharp Point — Get your point across as soon as possible. Do not keep your readers guessing what you are talking about. Keep out of muddling arrangements of words.

6. Special Words — Unique words are good for establishing awe from your readers. But, once you overdo it, your essay will not be read. At least after a good couple of sentences.

“How can I improve my essay writing?”

1. Practice — Always grab the opportunity to write.

2. Read — A good writer almost always is a fervent and passionate reader first.

3. Watch — Do not box your strengths to just words. Watch movies, documentaries, and shows that may help you widen your vocabulary.

4. Speak Up — Do you know how babies learn how to talk? They listened, and then speak up. They tried speaking words until they got it right. Your vocabulary will surely be at its best if you also practice speaking up. Furthermore, if you talk more often, your written voice tone will be more engaging and conversational.

Seeking Mentors

Seeking mentors who will guide you through the journey is always a ticket to success. These people, most of the time, are professionals and have years of writing experience. Mentors come in different kinds.

1. Professors/Teachers — Yes, your actual teachers or professors can mentor you to hone your essay writing skills. Never be shy to ask.

2. Bloggers/Established Writers — If you are lucky enough to be noticed (or to be relatives to some) by these people, take advantage of it! Ask them out for help. Surely, they will be joyful to help. They have been there, too. As a writer, essays are just one of the things they are good at!

3. Essay Writing Service — Back in schooldays, I write my paper and won’t be satisfied most of the time. So, what my colleagues and I did was browse the internet to see if professionals are willing to write my essay, review and proofread them for me. And, it worked! You can talk to these essay writing service sites in real-time, 24/7, so you can be mentored on how essays should be done. They also come at an affordable price, so, our wallets were not compromised (and write my essay online with mentors, too!).

Never Stop Learning

Education never ends after graduation.

It continues as long as we breathe. So, never stop learning. Never stop begging for more information. Never stop yourself from asking a question and seeking mentors.

It does not make you seem foolish. It makes you wiser.

It makes you successful!



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