3 Differences And Similarities Of James Madison And Thomas Jefferson


Starting off, they were both born into well off families, attended prestigious schools, and earned high grades.

The second interest they shared was interest in industry and of course, government, each of them was President Of The United States.

The final similarity is that they were both from Virginia and were energetic and ambitious, unlike many other Virginians, whose reputations consisted of heavy Alcohol consumption and avid gambling. Both Madison and Jefferson were very well spoken of.


Their views for the future were very different from one another. Madison was realistic and pragmatic. Jefferson was imaginative and creative, he even proposed that the constitution be changed every 19 years.

They both had slaves, yet they were both against Slavery. Here is the difference. Madison did not give his slaves grueling or tedious tasks, this reflects his practicality. Jefferson, on the other hand, ordered his slaves to do very specific things such as clean his horse so well there was not a spot of dirt on it.

The last difference were their personalities. Jefferson was very serious, while Madison would often tell jokes.

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