3 Unknown Civil War Heroes


The Civil War was one of America’s most brutal. It became known as a war where brothers, fathers, and sons killed one another. The Union victory brought an end to slavery and the unification of the country yet again. This list tells you about 3 Civil War heroes you have not heard of before.

  1. Clara Barton

Clara Barton was born in Massachusetts. In her early years of her life she played with boys rather than girls, however, she was an extremely shy person with depression. Every since she was young she displayed great signs of being a great nurse one day. Her career began at the age of 17 when she qualifies to become a teacher. Her first act of helping Union soldiers significantly was during the first battle of the Civil War, Bull Run. Many of the wounded were transported back to Oxford, Clara’s hometown. She knew some of the soldiers she supplied with blankets, medicine, food, and comfort. She was known to keep wounded soldiers in high spirits, writing letters home for the ones who could not. Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross, she also held numerous jobs working for the government, getting fired and rehired due to stigma against women holding jobs at the time.

  1. James Daniel Gardner

James Daniel Gardner was an African American Union Army soldier, a Sergeant. Despite rude poor treatment and discrimination of African American Union soldiers by white Union Soldiers, Gardner, like many other African Americans, felt it was their duty to serve their country. During the battle of Chaffins Farm, Gardner, after 50% of his unit was killed, single handedly over ran a confederate strong point. During this courageous act, he used his bayonet to kill a Confederate officer who was rallying his men. For this unselfish action, Gardner was awarded the Medal Of Honor, the most prestigious military decoration in the United States military that can be awarded to one of its soldiers.

  1. Robert Small

Robert Small was an African American born into slavery. He first served in the Confederate navy as a pilot, someone responsible for steering boats. He was well trusted by his fellow Confederate soldiers and officers. He, along with other African Americans in the Confederate navy stole the Confederate gunboat they were stationed on and surrendered it to the union. He also managed to escape with his family and the families of other crew members. Along the journey he successfully passed 5 Confederate checkpoints without incidents as he knew the right codes. His heroic actions helped convince President Lincoln to let African Americans join the Union Armed forces. Small was elected to the house of representatives after the war. He was also a businessman, opening a store that supplied the needs to slaves who were now free.



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