How My Medium Article Got 24,000 Views and 11,600 Reads

Marvin Russell
3 min readDec 10, 2018


Medium Success!

A few days ago a colleague of mine sent me a Slack message asking how we got so much traffic from Medium. I sent him an example of an article I did and began to detail my strategy. But, I wasn’t telling the story very well. So, rather than go deeper into an explanation on Slack, I told him I’d write a Medium article to break everything down.

This is that article.

On June 12, 2017 the famous productivity guru, Tim Ferriss, released a new Ted Talk video about a new type of checklist he called Fear Setting.

The talk was fantastic, and like anything Tim Ferriss does, I knew it would go viral.

I wanted to jump on this massive wave that I knew was about to form.

So, the very next day I decided to write an overview about Tim’s new Ted Talk so people could learn everything they needed to know in 2-3 minutes, without having to watch the 13 minute video.

I wanted to hit a wider audience and I really wanted the post to rank high in Google, so I used Medium. I posted it on June 14, 2017. (2 days after the Ted Talk released)

But, I didn’t stop there. The Ted Talk was about creating a new type of checklist that listed your fears, instead of your goals. So, I decided to publish a Fear Setting Checklist that anyone could save, copy, or download for free. I used a free publisher account on I linked to the free checklist from my new Medium article.

The Results:

  • Medium: 24,000 Views on Medium
  • Medium: 11,600 Reads on Medium
  • 19,000 Views on Checkli
  • 1,965 copies made on Checkli
  • 3,156 downloaded PDFs on Checkli
  • #2 for“fear setting” in Google (Behind Tim’s blog)
  • #1 for “fear setting checklist” in Google
Checkli Stats
Medium Stats


  1. New Trending Content: Look for exciting and new popular content using Google Trends, Twitter, Reddit, and email newsletters. Discover what’s hot right now.
  2. Celebs and Influencers: Follow big celebrities and influencers and keep an eye out for new content they put out.
  3. Ride the Wave: When hot, new trending content comes out, try to jump on the wave as quick as possible. #newsjacking
  4. Use different platforms like Medium to communicate to whole new audience, in a completely different way. You don’t always need to use your own blog.
  5. Maximize your ROI by using additional platforms like Checkli to offer interactive bonus content.


That’s really it. The Medium article took me less than an hour to make, and the Checklist took an extra 30minutes. But the traffic has lasted a year and a half so far…and it keeps coming.

If you enjoyed this short little article and found it useful please let me know by commenting below.

Good luck!



Marvin Russell

2 startups. 2 successful exits. Chief Growth Officer at MemberSpace