"Wabi” Seeing the Big Picture in Small Details — Subtle disruptions shaping new wholes

2 min readNov 20, 2023

There is also a term called “Wabi”. Why save “Wabi” for last? Because “ha” must be discussed last. Why discuss “ha” last? Because in breaking down the seven terms over three sections, you may have felt that there was a lack of vigor in the notion of Japanese beauty. It emphasizes nature, but does human agency disappear completely? Actually not — “Wabi” embodies human potency.

So what does “Wabi” mean? Nagakura Masayuki explains that “Wabi” means following established order, then finding a sense of spontaneity — that is the power of “ha”. This still may not be easy to understand, so he provides an example:

A great Japanese stone carver would initially work according to their vision, but as the piece neared completion, they would close their eyes and strike it once more with a hammer — and the artwork was finished. The process before followed nature, order and technique, while that final strike embodied the concept of “Wabi”.

