Decoding Positive-Affect in Conversations — Regarding the vehicle.

Chad Nick Desisto
6 min readSep 27, 2023



I put together this training tool after realizing how language-preferred (referring to written and spoken language) and language-converting some of the emotional intelligence tools and practices are for alternatively-communicating individuals. Development biases like these beg the question… integration into what?!

In a flash, I thought… “Wow — it is quite possible that these tools serve others and their language-based controls over others and/or… serve in-network ‘non-users of tools’ and their functional need to consume communications as language MORE than they enable secure self-development and reasoning skills for the ‘intended users’ of such tools!” 🤯

After our formative years, while some degree of interaction with functional support networks may be needed to access information, and, for safety purposes, how often these functions need to be called upon and how biased those interactions need to be toward spoken and written language is unclear. Because it is by these functional social support interactions that people are evaluated and intervened upon — a person is treated as primitive or uneducated or ideologically perverse if they do not abide in certain word-sets or manners of delivery and response.

However problematic the Disney retelling of Pocahontas is, the prevailing sentiment of the statement below remains.

“You think the only people who are people, are the people who look and think like you.” — Disney Pocahontas

Part of this extreme preference for language and spoken-language may be:

  1. …due to language having developed to create exclusive spaces, as well as for the purpose of gaming/persuasion and controls.
  2. …due to seeing such as a higher form of communication. This, instead of respecting other levels-of-processing and understanding as equal and differently purposed.

Click Here for “Levels of Processing, Part II: Action Communication Thought Sensation (ACTS),” article coming soon…

… Or check out this article to get down with the mechanics of empathy and how emotional telemetry is made available through “the elephant in the room.”

Securing Practitioners and De-risking integration for Growing and Learning Adults.

This tool is for adults that want to continue on their cognitive development journey beyond schools of like-minded populations that, in the gestalt, represent an externalize conscience, a functional social support network. In service of such schools this tool is also intended to secure practitioners that exist functionally apart from and perform operations on and within functional social support networks.

So… give this tool a try! AND be careful out there! Positive-affect can be something of a Milsy Wetlands, or a Trojan Horse if you have heard of that “war-game sculpture.” And human’s can be scary sometimes… brilliant, but scary, 🧙 😆.*

The vehicle, what is intended, known to the speaker or otherwise, could be purposed for any manner of things.

Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 7, Hunter Exam
Hunter Exam, Phase 1 - Leg Two. Satoz’ Warning. H×H Ch. 7. [Read Graphic left to right]

The Tool [in THREE STEPS].

Each word in the closed wordset below represents a way to interpret a speaker’s utterance delivered in positive-affect. They are grouped into three categories where Blue is the most knowledgeable, Green is in the middle, and Red is the most wayward or detached.

STEP ONE, classify Positive-Seeming Experiences within the schema to decode the vehicle.

For each categorized scenario, pay close attention to your affect: Make a decision about how you feel, and, for now, be certain.

This will fix or calibrate the formation of your non-verbal regard.

Aside. I know what you are thinking, “Why is ‘Deceiving’ categorized as performing?”

A: To my credit… it is clearly in the bad quality zone. That said, in today’s world, deceiving people and framing things to take advantage of people is often times considered a desirable skill, and, if not a desirable, a skill none-the-less… so while I personally consider such to be maligning… I thought it more important that users understand such “performances of deception” as coming from someone skilled.

For Access to

- STEP TWO, Replacement

- STEP THREE, Reclamation

- Why it Works

and some Conclusion extras…

go to THIS LINK and contact me for the password.


Language is fragile and can easily be smithed to rope folks into endless bitchfests. Steering clear of such turbulence is the best move for many…especially if the functional support communications are omni-channel, occurring in the gestalt across many, or are occurring in opposition to each other.

When knowledge isn’t affirmed and tools are not designed to internalize and honor non-verbal conscious responses, and such are diminished as intuitive, that subset of people is destined to become a subjugated, and, so, unconscious, resource provider of functional support at other processing levels. So please note that, loosing vision signifies the use of subjugating (overwhelming/undo) influence.

⚠️ While this tool is intended for practitioners and individuals, I must advise that if you intend to serve individuals through an FSS network you may be putting them at risk of attachment to the control by means of FSS-based control inheritance. In my opinion creating a bicameral contentiousness relative a “resource provider,” is bad and predatory practice relative to the goal of internalization. It is important that time and space be secured for individuals to internalize the model, and for technologies outside of FSS transfer learning to facilitate that process, so individuals struggling can shift from consumers of support to functioning individuals.

⚠️ ️ If you are facing an adversary leveraging OLAs and they intend to assault you, there is not a lot you can do about it, unless you can prevent their assault with comparable will. And only enough to seriously defend and assert your ‘self,’ not enough to overpower them. Recourse for assault is a developing subject matter. It’s rarely documented correctly because some police departments are trained to shoo off claims of assault, and, on top of that, the courts can’t reasonably judge such cases because there is almost never sufficient evidence, so in the eyes of the court system, in my analysis, it is seen as a waste of resources. For the time being, assault is left to conversational and community negotiated functional social support networks to exact justice; social justice. Functional Social Support networks are the core means of implementation for social justice. They frequently reinforce individuals against social insecurities born onto individuals through acts of defamation.


With techniques like this, we can effectively “de-risk” steps toward integration and internalization for the alternatively-communicating. 🥳

So, CHEERS to the day you cleanly brush off all the scope-creeping security folks OR… the in-store marketing folks that are aspiring to be lobbyists or whatever. 🙌☀ ️….eventually… just maybe… folks might even try to get a read on you and decide to leave you out of their living “burn book.”

<cough> Lesbian <cough>… I mean… <cough> Lebanese <cough>

Look forward to SLOWLY seeing more functional social support synthesis, teasers about integration risk and historic documentation! Or don’t?!

BUT! … I would like it if you did.

Please clap and share???

#conversationaldesign #designresearch #designsythesis #innovation #systemicoppression #functionalsocialsupport #socialsupport #behaviorchangedesign #autism #ADD #ADHD #GAD #socialpsychology #emotionalintellegence #appliedneuroscience #behavioranalyst #consciousnessresearch #humandevelopment #humanitydevelopment

  • Harry Potter Reference, Speaker Ron Weasley

© 2023, desistodesign.



Chad Nick Desisto

a technical designer, social researcher and citizen scientist of earth.