Have you executed on your work resolutions?

2 min readFeb 28, 2018


3 strategies I have implemented to help me effectively time manage.

Photo by Charles Deluvio 🇵🇭🇨🇦 on Unsplash

At the start of each year, while everyone has outlined his or her new year’s personal resolutions; I try to incorporate a new work habit resolution to the list. The intent of this addition is to help me become more aware and productive at work.

This year, one of my work habit resolutions was “ better time management.” After I had set my intention for 2018, I received the following advice and tools to help me become effective.

Top 3 Strategies

  1. Structured calendar management: Color code your meetings.
  • A good friend of mine suggested that I start to create a legend and color code my calendar. This helps each person get a visual idea of how much time you have allocated for specific tasks.
  • An example of my calendar is the following color code legend: Red= High Priority Tasks, Blue = Team meetings, and Orange = Regularly scheduled 1 on 1 meetings. TIP: Gmail Calendar How To

2. Journal: This is a great tool that is a reminder for me to write out my daily priorities.

  • I use the 5 second journal from Mel Robbins. This journal offers the following questions : “Today my top project is”; “This project matters to me because”; “One small action that I can take to move forward”

3. Schedule regular Do Not Book “DNB” time

  • I always add “DNB” time during lunchtime. This is a reminder for me to take a break to eat and get out of the office for a walk with a colleague.
  • Dependent on my schedule throughout the week, I also add “DNB” time on Friday afternoons to catch up on the tasks that I was not able to complete. By completing a few of these tasks in the afternoon, I feel more accomplished before heading into the weekend.

What strategies have you implemented to help you effectively manage your work habits?

I’d love to hear your advice and tips below.

Until next time -

Cheers, “Q”




aka “Q” is Versatile,motivated,forward-thinking.Head of Revenue Enablement @ Airbnb, Salesforce + Zenefits + FinancialForce alumni and SCU MBA grad.