Remember your ABC’s..always be curious

4 min readMar 21, 2018


What are resources do you use for continued learning?

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

As an enablement professional, continuous learning is in my DNA. I have been taught the importance of learning new skills or topics to add to my personal toolkit. The more you know and are curious; the better you can help yourself and others achieve greatness.

Below are 3 podcasts, books and YouTube channel resources; each resource provides the tips and techniques to motivate me in my personal and professional life.

What are 3 resources do you have in your continuous learning toolkit?

Podcasts — this method of learning has become a recent addiction of mine. These podcasts have been a great educational storytelling experience. My top subscribed podcasts are:

Super Soul Sundays by Oprah: Her guests range from business to spiritual leaders. The stories of hope, love, encouragement and beyond provide the listener further knowledge on important personal and professional topics.

My favorite episode: “Oprah’s Book: “The Wisdom of Sundays”

The Goal Digger Podcast by Jenna Kutcher: Jenna’s podcast has great tips and advice for those who are creating a business and looking to expand their potential. She humanizes herself, shares her honesty and focuses on the importance of thinking about your brand.

My favorite episode: “111: How to find your secret sauce and stand out in a crowd”.

The Brendan Show by Brendan Burchard: Brendan is a high performance coach. He has coached athletes, business leaders and even Oprah! I love his learning modules on how to be a better leader, steps to how you can excel and how you can change your mindset to focus on creating the life you want. One of the best quotes from Brendan “Common sense is not common practice”.

My favorite episode: “Best of: Overcome Procrastination and Maintain Motivation”.

Books — I love the feel of flipping through each page, highlighting, writing down top learnings and quotes to share. Below are some of my favorite books:

School of Greatness by Lewis Howes: Lewis is one leader that motivates me to be the best version of myself. In this book, he provides the reader stories from others who have struggled and worked hard to be successful to inspire you. Lewis also provides great exercises to help you envision what the best version of you can be and a plan of how you can become that. He also has an amazing YouTube channel at

Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein: Gabby is one of my spiritual teachers. This book provides reminders about how everything works out the way it is supposed to, you are supported and need to trust the journey you are on. After reading this book, the techniques that I learned has helped me set my intentions for this year and the universe has shown me that it has my back. Gabby also has some informative videos on her YouTube channel here:

What I Know for Sure by Oprah: This book shares Oprah’s words of wisdom. Each chapter is based on a topic and outlines her experiences that have helped her grow and learn. Some of my favorite chapters provide ways to be grateful and how to lean in on your fears.

YouTube Channels — As adults, bite sized video learning is a great method for us to digest material or concepts. I love subscribing to the list of YouTube channels below.

Marie Forleo: Marie’s channel focuses on how she can “inspire you to create a business and life you love.” She gives advice on how to start a business, tips on skills and programs you need to learn in order to grow.

My favorite episode: “How to Be A Great Leader: Inspiring Others To Do Remarkable Things”.

Jay Shetty: He was previously a monk who has taken what he learned and now uses this platform to share his experiences. Jay reminds us how valuable it is to be aware of our actions, how we treat others and the importance of living a fulfilling life.

My favorite episode: “Why We Should Invest In Our Passions | Weekly Wisdom Episode 14".

Mel Robbins: She developed an amazing technique called the “5-second rule”. Mel shares the science that is the evidence of how you can use this rule to accomplish any goal you set for yourself. After learning about this, I have become more productive and feel more in control of what I need to do to get to the next phase in my career.

My favorite episode: “The Secret to Stopping Fear and Anxiety (That Actually Works)”.

To thrive in this world, you should always be learning.

I would love to hear your feedback below on what resources you integrate into your learning.

Until next time -

Cheers, “Q”




aka “Q” is Versatile,motivated,forward-thinking.Head of Revenue Enablement @ Airbnb, Salesforce + Zenefits + FinancialForce alumni and SCU MBA grad.