What are your buckets of joy?

1 min readJun 6, 2018


Time for you to find your joy and try this self-awareness exercise

Photo by Lubomirkin on Unsplash

Take a pulse of your current routine and lifestyle. Do you understand what your buckets of joy are?

Time to take out a notepad and do the following:

  1. Write down your current daily schedule
  2. Write down what you enjoy doing and tasks that you hate doing (ie I love to connect with friends, volunteering my time to give back while I do not enjoy being stuck in traffic or wasting time)
  3. Compare your schedule to your task list. Are you doing enough of what you enjoy?

I challenge you to take 15 minutes this week to do this exercise.

If you are not doing enough of these things, outline a plan of how you can reorganize your life. I would also suggest sharing your lists with a mentor or friend.

Share below what your learned about what you need to adjust or list out your buckets of joy.

Until next time -

Cheers, “Q”




aka “Q” is Versatile,motivated,forward-thinking.Head of Revenue Enablement @ Airbnb, Salesforce + Zenefits + FinancialForce alumni and SCU MBA grad.