What is your why?

2 min readMar 7, 2018


Motivation. Passion. Awareness.

“Very few people or companies can clearly articulate WHY they do WHAT they do. By WHY I mean your purpose, cause or belief — WHY does your company exist? WHY do you get out of bed every morning? And WHY should anyone care?” — Simon Sinek.

On February 13th, I had the honor of hosting an important annual internal event that helped kick off our new fiscal year. Our company flew over 250 of our employees to San Diego for this 3.5 day event. It provided the opportunity for our executives to share the company vision, our customer’s to share their partnership with us and the ability to learn from employees across the globe. What was different about this event in comparison to other events I have hosted was a question and a theme that was discussed throughout the event.

I asked everyone “What is your why?”

Image taken at FinancialForce Global Field Kickoff in San Diego

This question sparked internal awareness. It gave the opportunity for our employees and executives to share more than their standard day to day work updates. We heard responses such as family, friends, health, team, service and some were very vulnerable — sharing stories of past struggle and how they have hopes to better their own lives.

The connection was genuine. I loved hearing employees talk about their “whys”; writing them out on our boards and sharing on their social networks.

I believe that if we spend more time learning and understanding each person’s “why”; we can better communicate and partner with each other. After the kickoff event, I noticed that our teams have become more supportive in each other and further efforts have been made for team success.

I challenge you to ask “What is your why?” in your next team meeting and to yourself.

Share this with your colleagues, friends and family. See the magic that happens.

I would love to hear how this question has transformed the way you work. Share your feedback how this exercise went below.

Until next time -

Cheers, “Q”




aka “Q” is Versatile,motivated,forward-thinking.Head of Revenue Enablement @ Airbnb, Salesforce + Zenefits + FinancialForce alumni and SCU MBA grad.