The Cheeto Jesus Chronicles: An Introduction

Cheeto Jesus Chronicles
3 min readDec 11, 2016
Cheeto Jesus in the Flesh

Hey all.

My writing as of late hasn’t been the most present on the internet. In fact, I don’t think I’ve even written an article at all in about 2 months. To be honest, the whole Trump coronation/victory has thrown a wrench into my whole writing philosophy. Part of this is dealing with issues of futility as a writer. The same people who I thought I was actually getting through to with my writing, happen to be the same ones who cast a ballot for Trump, someone who I’ve repeatedly said is categorically unqualified, particularly in both skill and temperament, to lead this nation.

Every time I’ve contemplated writing an article, this issue of futility just seeps into my thought process and compels me to put the laptop down. This, coupled with the fact that I’ve had so many thoughts about this impending Trump presidency that it would be impossible to just sit down and write it all in long-form, has contributed to this recent writing dry-spell.

But no more!

In my own post-election reflection™ , I wanted to discover ways that I could be involved in mitigating the damage from a Trump presidency. I’m not just talking from a partisan perspective. I’ve been in conversations with conservative individuals who have found themselves in a political no-man’s land with Trump about to run the show. In the long run, this Trump presidency won’t be good for any of us who don’t hold the title of CEO, for a multitude of reasons.

My findings from this reflection were that we all just have to work with what’s in front of us. Saying, “I don’t get involved in politics.” just isn’t gonna cut it anymore. We have to attempt to get through to those that voted for Trump. Not by cursing them out, placating them, or “playing nice” (I’m looking at you Trevor Noah). But by engaging them in a way that puts their own ignorance and cognitive dissonance on full display, so much so that even they can see how absolutely twisted their logic is. It’s not going to be easy. It’s gonna take a full commitment from all of us. It’s gonna take lot of breaking down of concepts. Very, very simple breakdowns. I’m talking Denzel Washington in Philadelphia, “say it to me like I was a 2-year-old” types of breakdowns.

So it is in that spirit that I announce the overarching intention of this blog, which is to chronicle the statements, moves and policies of President Donald J. Trump. But doing so without the high-sodium butthurt of a Huffington Post, or the Dominique Dawes-level mental gymnastics of a Daily Caller. It’s just me talking about Trump, with a dash of my trademark acerbic wit (humblebrag!), and whole heapings of critical thinking, logic and facts.

Make no mistake, we are living in what I like to call a post-fact world, otherwise known as the prologue to the movie Idiocracy. Ultimately what I hope this blog will succeed in is putting facts and reality back at the forefront of the American conscious. Cultivating an environment where things are looked at critically, without salt, immaturity or vitriol. Most of all, what I want is for all of us to come together, to educate ourselves and each other, to ensure that what happened this election cycle never, ever happens again to our republic.

Fasten your seatbelts people, because this is:

The Cheeto Jesus Chronicles

