3 min readOct 6, 2019


Hi There, so It was my first time going to FOSDEM this year and all I can say is that it was one of the best things ever where it’s all geeky.

Beside the fact that it was organized, in a very nice place (my first time in Brussels too) and on the weekends !!

I met some AWESOME people there and I got to learn a lot of things and man, I love to hear about technology news !!

And most of all, IT WAS A FREE CONFERENCE !!!

And I would love to get back there every year.

In this event, there were a lot of topics that were so interesting to me.. I can’t name all and I couldnt attend to all of there either, I wish i could though.

.NET and TypeScript, Containers, DNS, Free Tools and Editors, Go, Infra Management, Javascript, LLVM, Microkernels and Component-based OS, Monitoring and Observability, Mozilla, Open Source Design, PostgreSQL, Python, Security, Virtualization and IaaS..

However, Since I’m a girl with software background but now DEVOPS oriented, I was mostly present in DEVOPS talks and I wanted to share with all of you some highlights about what’s going on in the DEVOPS world.

I’ll share with you some keywords or information that I learnt through this experience in a not very deep dive way so It’s for you to look deeply in the information if you’re interesed;

Summary of Some of the Technical topics :

*Hyper-V emulation of KVM: New features are called “enlightenments” are now present.

*Ironic that does Openstack bare metal Provisioning for bare metal lovers.

*KubeVirt : Building a virtualization API for Kubernetes. It’s an amazing tool that helps you to adopt k8s with existing Virtual Machine-based workloads.

*Kubevirt’s web-based user interface: Helps with managing VM and Containers using a UI.

*oVirt: easy creation of virtual machines running in highest possible performance as close as bare metal.

*Mgmt Config: Or as it was called “next gen config management tool” presents a new way of managing Virtualization automation.

*RUDDER: Continuous Auditing & Configuration, a tool that helps transmitting factual measures on infrastructure management to all parties involved.

*Uyuni: open source frontend solution for managing software-defined infrastructure with Salt.

*Terraform and it’s modules best practices.

*Famous tools to know when you want to a create a Multicloud CI/CD with Openstack and k8s: Heat(Openstack native), Ansible(DUH..), Terraform(IaC), Magnum(Openstack component), Kops, Rancher, Kubespray, GitlabCi, GitOps …

*Ansible Operators in Kubernetes: An easy way to create a k8s controller with Operator SDK.

*Automation Broker: management of Kubernetes applications and services that makes them deployable from the Service Catalog.

*Observability: Monitoring tells you whether the system works. Observability lets you ask why it’s not working. -Baron Schwartz

*Grafana Loki: Prometheus for logs.

*Tor Metrics: data and analysis made available through Tor Network and how any metrics collected must not undermine the anonymity or security properties of the Tor network.

*eBPF: how eBPF can help to resolve performance problem and how you can integrate eBPF with Prometheus for Long Term Monitoring.

*Thanos: Presents Prometheus at scale: global view, unlimited retention and HA.

*Kubernetes Metrics with Prometheus: Scaling your deployments based on custom metrics served by Prometheus.

*kubectl-trace: schedules bpftrace programs on your kubernetes cluster using the kubectl.

*openSUSE Kubic: A platform that is able to run containers at scale, on single machine, and flexible.

*Nabla containers: uses library OS/unikernel techniques to avoid system calls and thereby reduce the attack surface on the host kernel.


