Weekly Market Research 5/5/2024

Calvin K
3 min readMay 5, 2024
#ES daily chart


3 weeks ago we observed there might be a potential top in the market and it was down 5.5% off from the high. Now the chart looks much better with a healthy correction so we can go higher!

Friday’s weaker job data confirmed that we had a short-term HL and helped relieve the interest rate. We had a nice bounce at 0.618 level and we are up 4% from the low. We would go for tactial longs as we see the HL & HH.

#NQ daily chart


For tech we had almost the same chart. After Friday’s job report, the tech index filled the bearish gap and we might be able to see HH in the following weeks.

A lot of tech name reacted well, #AMZN #AAPL acting good post earning.

#BTC daily chart

For Bitcoin, it seems we took the sellside liquidity at 59k level, and stayed above this level. If we see any retracement this week, it will be a good timing to build your long position, as the stop loss is clear.

#ETHBTC daily chart

For #ETHBTC pair, we did not see a relative strength on #ETH after we saw a potential bottom of Bitcoin. I would choose BTC rather than ETH atm.


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Calvin K

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