Using ES6's Proxy for safe Object property access

Gidi Meir Morris
2 min readFeb 7, 2016


I can’t get over the feeling that ES6 (still refusing to say ES2015 ^_^) is a kind of playground offering me all these new toys and attractions to play around with.
Currently my focus is on exploring the Proxy object which gives us a new way to intercept fundamental operations on Objects, among them property access, which is something I want to play around with today.


Sick and tired of accessing a nested object under a property in a deep object just to have the Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘foo’ of undefined thrown in your face?
Well, by using a Proxy you can get around those errors without excessive key checking in a reusable manner.
The code example for doing this is down bellow, an npm module is available via npm install safeobj, with the source on Github.

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