5 Essential Tips On How to Contribute to the Web Design Community

Chelsea Greene
5 min readNov 4, 2022


When starting with web design, there are many benefits that you can receive. One of these benefits is being able to join the web design community. Many web designers and developers enjoy what they do and want to support others who feel the same way about website design.

The web design community is a great way to share ideas with others, find solutions to problems you are having and receive advice from web designers who have more experience than you. Being a part of this community is excellent, and it’s always good to give something back.

This article will look into what you can give back to the community and add more positivity. If you want to contribute something but aren’t sure what, then we are here to help you figure that out.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

1. Contributing To Support Web Design Forums

When web designers are having trouble and need to find solutions to those problems, they usually visit forums to find help. People from the community visit these forums to get help from others and provide support.

There are plenty of forums that web designers use. You don’t need to visit all of them; choose the best ones for you and help others out. When you are providing help to these web designers, you need to make sure to follow the web design forum guidelines. This helps make the forums a better place for everyone, whether they want to help others or receive help from others.

If you don’t know the complete answer to the questions someone asks but have some knowledge about the topic, then you can at least help by pointing them in the right direction. When taking part in the forums, you can learn new information that can help you when designing. If you ever want to work for a professional web design agency, showing them you’re an active member of the online community and your web designer forum contributions could help you get hired.

2. Contributing To Open-Source Projects

Open-source projects are an essential part of the community for web designers and web developers. There are many projects to choose from and contribute to; you can learn new things, collaborate with others, and help the community.

You can choose large-scale or small projects. Whatever you are interested in. These projects require volunteers who can dedicate some time and knowledge to help maintain projects, create documentation, support the website, etc. Even if you cannot offer a lot of help, anything you can do will help out the people maintaining these projects for others to use.

3. Become A Mentor

If you know web design, then you can help out others who are trying to learn it. This will help grow the community and provide more chances for people to create great projects for others to enjoy.

You don’t need to know everything about web design to become a mentor. Even if you don’t remember much, your knowledge can help point someone in the right direction for what they want to learn. You can tell them about the resources you used to know, what methods you found useful, and what you think they should do. All of this information is valuable. Mentoring someone doesn’t mean you need to teach them everything; it can include pointing people in the right direction.

Photo by X on Unsplash
Photo by X on Unsplash

If you are trying to work for the best web design studio, then telling them about mentoring others could help you get the job. All of this will show you are interested in website design and want to share that enthusiasm with others and people who want to join the community and learn something new.

4. Promoting The Best Web Design Practices

When you promote the best website design practices, you will be helping the whole web design community. Following these design practices is essential and helps create websites everyone can use. These practices can include designing accessible websites for people with different types of impairments.

This might not seem as helpful, but it is. Even doing something like this will benefit the community and make it a better place for everyone. You can show the best web design studio all your work to promote the practices all designers should be following and communicate your interest in the web design community and how much you care about all aspects of it.

You can tell people about the different accessibility features they should include in their designs, how they can improve their UX designs, etc.

5. Creating Resources To Help Others

If you are exceptionally knowledgeable about any specific part of web design, then you can create resources that others can use to learn. This is a great way to contribute to the web design community and help others who want to know.

You can create video tutorials and documentation that others can read and use to improve their designs, create UI and icon kits, etc. There are many ways to develop resources that benefit other designers, whether new or old.

If you want to make a great first impression with a professional web design agency, then showing them the resources you have created to help others will do that. You can work alone to develop these or collaborate with other designers in the community to make something everyone can use. The best part is that you can continue adding to these resources as you keep learning new things about web designing and development.

Thanks for reading!

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Chelsea Greene

I’m a designer that loves UX, fonts, and sunny beach days