Audio Branding: Now’s the Time for Brands to Invest in Their Sonic Identity

Chelsea Greene
5 min readSep 16, 2022


Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

Audio branding has become an essential part of a business’s branding as it can call up different types of feelings and views that other types of branding components can not do. There is so much competition now that you need to use any way you can to help your brand stand out, and audio branding is one way you can do this.

If you don’t know anything about branding and sonic identity, then we are here to help. This article will tell you what audio branding is, how it can benefit your brand, and how you can use it.

What Is Audio Branding?

Audio branding is the use of sound to define and strengthen a brand’s identity. This can include music, voice artistry, and sonic logos. All of these components play their part in helping increase brand awareness and brand recognition. A brand can use only one of these audio branding components or all of them together.

If you don’t know what a sonic logo is, an example will help you. Just think about Netflix’s ‘Ta Dum’ sound. This simple sound will help people think about Netflix instantly. Even if you don’t see the logo or any other branding components, you will know it’s Netflix when that sonic logo plays.

Photo by Thibault Penin on Unsplash
Photo by Thibault Penin on Unsplash

Audio branding has been proven to be very effective in achieving marketing goals. Having a good sound identity will help you stand out and leave a memorable impression on people who have heard your audio branding.

Why Do You Need Audio Branding?

Audio is part of people’s everyday lives, so much content is in audio form, and people rely on this for entertainment, news, and more. You need to make sure that you keep up and remain competitive. Do not let your brand get left behind. If you don’t know how to introduce a sound identity for your brand, hire top branding agencies to help you.

If you don’t have a sound identity yet, you should not wait any longer to start working on one. If you want your brand to be memorable and more recognizable, then adding audio branding components to your brand will help you do that.

Companies have prioritized visual branding and marketing for the longest time to attract new customers. Still, audio has become more popular, and not using it decreases your chances of standing out and attracting new customers. People see so much every day; visual branding is everywhere, and it is so easy to overlook so much of it, but audio branding can cut through all of it and tell your target market what they should know about your brand.

How To Create A Sonic Identity

Creating a sonic identity will not be a quick and easy process, but it will be worth it if you do it right. Here are the steps you can follow to start creating your sonic identity.

Understand Your Brand Identity

If you want to create a sonic identity; then you need first to understand your own brand identity. This is important as it will let you create a sonic identity that fits with the rest of your brand and reinforces what your brand’s values are. That’s why you need to clearly define what your brand stands for before you begin creating a sonic identity. This will make it easier for the sonic branding strategist to compose the sonic logo and identity.

Photo by Monica Silva on Unsplash
Photo by Monica Silva on Unsplash

Composing Your Sonic Logo

When creating a sonic logo, you need to use the help of focus groups and other types of research to make sure that your target audience will like the sonic logo and audio branding components that you want to use. It would help if you were confident about the sonic logo before you decide to use it, so do not speed through this process.

There are different ways to create a sonic logo, so if you aren’t sure what method you want to use, look at how other well-known brands decided to make their sonic logos and determine what way will work for you. You can also ask for the help of top branding agencies to help you choose using the experience they have.

You Need To Create An Audio Branding Strategy

Creating an audio branding strategy is essential for long-term success. You need to create audio assets and not just a sonic logo that you can use throughout your branding and marketing strategy. This will help you create a more memorable and recognizable brand than just using a sonic logo alone.

Photo by Oleg Laptev on Unsplash
Photo by Oleg Laptev on Unsplash


Audio branding has become essential if you want your brand to stand out from the competition, and now you know the importance of audio branding and having a sonic identity. It would help if you started creating your audio brand to create a more memorable and recognizable brand to attract new customers.

It would help if you didn’t speed through this process; take all the time you need so you can do it right. This will help your brand see more success, so it is worth the investment. Now use the information you have about audio branding to make the best decision for your brand.

Thanks for reading!

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Chelsea Greene

I’m a designer that loves UX, fonts, and sunny beach days