Mastering the Art of Design: How to Make Brand Guidelines That Stand Out

Chelsea Greene
10 min readFeb 13, 2024


Brand guidelines, also known as brand style guides or brand manuals, are rules and standards that dictate how a company presents itself to the world. They include guidelines for visual elements such as logos, color palettes, typography, imagery, messaging, and tone of voice.

A comprehensive set of clear brand guidelines is crucial for maintaining consistency in all aspects of a brand’s communication and design. This helps create a strong and memorable brand identity, builds customer trust, and establishes market credibility.

This guide will dive into the key components of creating practical brand guidelines that stand out. From understanding your brand values to developing a visual identity, we will cover all the essential steps to help you master the art of design and create brand guidelines that truly represent your brand’s unique identity.

Understanding Your Brand

Understanding your brand is the first crucial step in creating practical brand guidelines. Your brand is more than just a logo or a catchy tagline; it is the essence of your business and what sets you apart from your competitors. It represents your unique values, beliefs, and mission, and it’s important to clearly understand these aspects before designing your brand guidelines.

Defining Your Brand’s Core Values and Mission

Your brand’s core values and mission are the foundation for your entire business and brand story. These guiding principles drive all your actions, decisions, and communication. Therefore, it’s essential to take the time to define and clearly articulate these values and mission before moving forward with creating brand guidelines.

Start by asking yourself what your brand stands for and its purpose. What do you want to achieve as a business? What beliefs and values do you hold dear, and how do these align with your target audience?

It’s also helpful to involve key stakeholders, such as founders, employees, and customers. This will give you different perspectives and insights into your brand and help you define your core values and mission more effectively.

Identifying Your Target Audience

Crafting compelling brand guidelines hinges on a thorough grasp of your target demographic. To resonate with your audience, your brand guidance must be customized to their preferences, necessities, and interactions. This strategic approach and brand style guide ensures that your branding efforts align with those you aim to engage.

Conduct market research and surveys and gather data to identify key demographics such as age, gender, income level, and location. Analyze your audience’s behavior and preferences to understand what motivates them and how you can effectively communicate with them through your brand.

Photo by Melanie Deziel on Unsplash

Analyzing Your Competition

Another important aspect of understanding your brand is analyzing your competition. This will help you identify your brand’s unique selling points and position in the market. Look at what your competitors are doing, their visual identities, messaging, and how they communicate with their target audience.

This will give you an idea of your industry’s current trends and standards and help you differentiate yourself from your competitors. Identify any gaps or opportunities your brand can fill to stand out in the market and incorporate these insights into your brand guidelines.

Key Elements to Include in Brand Style Guide

When creating brand guidelines, several key elements must be included for a comprehensive and effective set of guidelines. These elements include the company logo, color palette, typography, brand messaging, and imagery.


The logo is a brand’s most recognizable visual element and symbol or signature. It’s important to include guidelines for the logo in your brand guidelines to ensure that it is used correctly and consistently across all platforms.

When designing a logo, there are some guidelines to keep in mind. These include the minimum size that the logo should be displayed at, how much empty space should surround it, and whether or not color variations are allowed. It’s also useful to provide examples of what shouldn’t be done with the logo, such as changing its proportions, using incorrect colors, or placing it too close to other graphics.


Color Palette

The color palette is essential to brand guidelines as it establishes the atmosphere and vibe for a brand’s visual identity. It’s crucial to provide an overview of your visual brand elements’ primary and secondary colors, including any specific shades or variations.

Detailed guidelines for the brand kit color palette should include information such as color codes (RGB, CMYK, or Hex), recommended combinations for various purposes (such as using primary colors for logos and secondary colors for backgrounds), and visual examples of how the colors should be used together. This will help maintain consistency in the brand’s overall presentation.

Parhamr, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Typography is often overlooked but plays a significant role in creating brand consistency. It refers to the fonts and typefaces used in a brand’s visual identity, including headings, body text, and any other graphic elements that use text.

Guidelines for typography should include details such as font family, font size and weight, kerning and tracking (spacing between letters), and any specific rules for using different fonts or typefaces together. Provide examples of how the typography should be used in different layouts and designs.

Wikimedia Foundation Staff and Contractor, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Brand Messaging

Brand messaging refers to the language and tone used in a brand’s communication. This includes taglines, slogans, mission statements, and other written content associated with the brand’s voice.

Guidelines for brand messaging should include details such as tone and voice (e.g., formal or casual), key messaging points, and examples of how the messaging should be used in different situations. Ensure that the brand messaging aligns with the core values and the mission statement of the brand.


Imagery is a powerful tool when it comes to building a brand identity. It encompasses various elements, such as photos, illustrations, and graphics, carefully chosen to represent the brand. A brand style guide for imagery should be established to ensure cohesiveness, including details like style, color palette, and rules for using specific types of images.

Let’s take a look at some examples of imagery that are suitable for different purposes. For e-commerce, product photos are essential in showcasing the features and details of a product. On the other hand, lifestyle photos are more fitting for social media as they give a glimpse into the whole brand’s personality, values, and aesthetics.

Layout and Design of Brand Style Guide

Layout and design determine the overall look and feel of a brand’s visual identity. When creating brand guidelines, it’s important to organize information user-friendly to ensure that it is easily accessible and understandable for anyone who needs to reference them.

Techniques for Organizing Information

Several techniques can be used to effectively organize information in brand guidelines. One approach is to use a table of contents at the beginning, allowing readers to quickly navigate to different guidelines sections.

Another technique is to break up content into clear and concise sections with headings and subheadings. This helps with organization and makes it easier for readers to find the specific information they seek.

Using bullet points, numbering, and lists can also make the guidelines more user-friendly by breaking up large blocks of text and highlighting key points or steps. Including visual examples, such as mockups or diagrams, can also help demonstrate how different elements should be used together.

Incorporating Brand Elements into Design

When creating brand guidelines, incorporating brand elements into the layout and design is crucial for establishing a strong brand identity. This includes using the brand’s specific colors, typography, and imagery throughout the guidelines.

Utilizing the brand’s color palette in the design of the guidelines creates an aesthetically pleasing document and emphasizes the importance of consistency in color usage across all branding materials.

Incorporating fonts and typefaces from the brand identity into the design of the guidelines further reinforces their significance and ensures they are used consistently.

Including relevant imagery that reflects the brand’s visual style and tone can enhance the guidelines’ overall visual appeal and provide concrete examples of how imagery should be utilized in various situations.

Telewest Identity Guidelines Brand Manual by North

Importance of Consistency

A strong brand identity for a brand is crucial, and consistency is the key to achieving it. Incorporating brand elements in the design of branding guidelines emphasizes the significance of using these elements consistently across all aspects of the brand.

Moreover, consistency also plays an essential role in establishing brand recognition and building consumer trust. When a brand maintains consistent messaging and visual representations, it creates a sense of dependability and expertise, making it more appealing to potential customers and retaining their loyalty.

Creating Brand Guidelines for Different Platforms

With the ever-evolving marketing and branding landscape, it’s crucial to tailor guidelines specifically for each platform to ensure the brand’s image remains cohesive.

Print vs. Digital Use

When creating strong brand guidelines, it’s essential to remember how they will be used on both print and digital platforms. While certain branding aspects like color and typography should remain consistent, some differences between the two mediums need to be considered.

For instance, when designing for print materials, elements such as paper type and size must be considered to ensure the brand elements appear as intended. The chosen brand logos and colors may look slightly different on glossy paper than on matte paper.

Similarly, when working with digital formats, thinking about how brand elements will translate across various devices and screen sizes is crucial. This might involve adjusting font sizes or utilizing responsive design techniques to maintain a unified branding experience across all platforms.

Corporate identity design for pci by REINIER BLONK

Social Media

When using social media, it’s helpful to remember that different platforms may have unique guidelines for image sizes and formats and limitations on character count for messaging. But beyond the technical aspects, maintaining a consistent brand voice and tone is key. This involves being mindful of how we respond to customer inquiries and handle sensitive topics, ensuring our actions align with the values of our brand. So, while we navigate the technical requirements, let’s remember the impact of our words and actions on our brand’s image and reputation. It may seem like a small detail, but it can significantly affect how our audience perceives us.

Website Design

A website is now a must for businesses, and it’s vital to have clear guidelines on how the brand should be presented online. This includes design elements like layout and navigation, and content that aligns with the brand’s message.

In today’s digital world, user experience and mobile responsiveness are key considerations when creating website guidelines. With so many options available to consumers, it’s crucial to ensure that the brand’s website stands out and accurately represents its visual identity.

Adapting brand guidelines for different platforms is critical in maintaining consistency and cohesion in visual identity across all mediums. By taking into account the unique aspects of each platform and incorporating them into the guidelines, businesses can ensure their branding remains solid and effective. It’s vital for companies to regularly review and update their brand guidelines as new platforms and technologies emerge to stay relevant and consistent in their branding efforts. Consistency is essential in building a strong visual identity for a brand, and tailored guidelines for different platforms play a crucial role in achieving this. By establishing a strong and consistent visual identity, businesses can effectively convey their brand message and build trust with consumers, leading to success and growth in their industry.

Updating and Maintaining Brand Guidelines

Like any other aspect of a business, brand guidelines should evolve as the brand evolves. As companies grow and adapt to changing market trends, their messaging and visual identity may shift. This can be due to factors such as rebranding efforts or changes in target audience. Therefore, it’s essential to review and update brand guidelines regularly, at least once a year, to ensure that they accurately reflect the current state of the brand.

Tips for Keeping Guidelines Up-to-Date

To ensure that brand guidelines are up-to-date, businesses can follow these tips:

  • Regularly review and update the guidelines at least once a year or whenever there are significant changes in the brand.
  • Keep track of emerging design trends and incorporate them into the guidelines if they align with the brand’s aesthetic and messaging.
  • Continuously gather feedback from customers and employees to identify areas where the brand guidelines may need updating.
  • Encourage creative thinking within the design team to develop new ideas for incorporating the brand’s visual identity into different platforms.
  • Stay informed about technological changes, social media platforms, and other digital mediums that may require guideline updates.

Maintaining Consistency Across Platforms

To maintain consistency, businesses should:

  • Ensure the design team understands the brand’s values, messaging, and visual identity clearly.
  • Provide specific guidelines for each platform and medium to ensure consistency in design elements, imagery, and messaging.
  • Continuously monitor the brand’s online presence to identify any inconsistencies and address them promptly.
  • Encourage open communication between different departments to ensure everyone is on the same page regarding the brand’s identity and guidelines.


Brand guidelines are the backbone of a business’s consistent and compelling visual identity. Regularly reviewing and updating these guidelines is crucial in keeping them relevant and ensuring the brand remains competitive in a constantly evolving market. By following tips such as staying informed about trends, gathering feedback, and maintaining consistency across platforms, businesses can keep a strong visual identity that accurately represents their brand. So, don’t wait any longer — start creating practical and up-to-date brand guidelines for your business today!

Good luck on your own brand design journey!

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Chelsea Greene

I’m a designer that loves UX, fonts, and sunny beach days