Make a Lasting Impression: Tips for Creating Effective Branding Mood Boards

Chelsea Greene
5 min readFeb 14, 2023


A brand mood board is a visual representation of a brand’s identity and can be used to create a consistent and cohesive brand identity. It is a collection of images, colors, typography, patterns, and textures that are curated to reflect the brand’s mission, values, personality, and target audience.

Creating a brand mood board is an essential step in the branding process. It allows you to define your brand’s identity and ensures that all branding elements are aligned with your brand’s mission and values. A brand mood board also serves as a reference for designers and stakeholders, making it easy to ensure that all design elements are consistent with the brand.

The mood board of your brand is a collection of media assets that are used to create and display the identity of the brand. It’ll have examples of colors, typefaces, slogans, and patterns used in branded content, such as that used for social media.

A cohesive mood board gives the viewer an overview of a brand’s visual aesthetic at a glance and usually fits on a single page. Сreating a mood board at the beginning of the designing process sets up the aesthetic direction of the brand. It ensures that everything after that can contain the fundamental visual essence of the brand. Additionally, it shows the brand designer has listened to and understood the client, which is crucial for the success of the branding process.

Defining Your Brand

Identifying your brand message, mission, values, and target audience are crucial in creating a brand mood board. Your brand’s mission and values should be reflected in all elements of your brand, including the mood board. Understanding your target audience will also help you curate elements that resonate with them.

Defining your brand’s personality and voice is another critical step in creating a brand mood board. The character and voice of your brand should be reflected in the elements you choose for your final mood board. This includes the images, colors, typography, patterns, and textures you use.

Creating a brand style guide is an essential part of the brand design process. A style guide is a document that outlines the guidelines for your brand’s visual elements, including colors, typography, and imagery. A brand mood board can be a starting point for creating a style guide.

Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

Gathering Inspiration

Researching competitors and industry leaders is a great way to gather inspiration for your brand mood board. It allows you to see what other brands in your industry are doing and identify trends.

Saving and organizing inspiration from various sources such as Pinterest, Instagram, and design blogs is a great way to gather a variety of inspiration for your brand mood board. This can include images, colors, typography, patterns, and textures.

Identifying common themes and elements in your inspiration is vital in creating a cohesive brand mood board. Once you’ve gathered inspiration, you can identify common factors that align with your brand’s mission, values, and target audience.

Photo by Szabo Viktor on Unsplash

Creating the Brand Mood Board

Choosing a format for your mood board design, whether a physical or a digital board, is an essential step in the process. The design should be selected based on how the mood board will be used and with whom it will be shared.

Adding elements to the mood board is the next step in creating a brand mood board. This includes images, colors, typography, patterns, and textures. Choosing components that align with your brand’s mission, values, personality, and target audience is essential.

Arranging and organizing the elements cohesively is crucial for creating a successful brand mood board. This includes creating a visual hierarchy and choosing a color palette that aligns with your brand.

Reviewing and refining the mood board to ensure it accurately represents your brand is the final step in creating a brand mood board. This includes getting feedback from team members and stakeholders and making necessary adjustments.

Photo by Startaê Team on Unsplash

Using the Mood Board

Using the mood board as a reference during the design process is a great way to ensure consistency and alignment with your brand’s mission and values.

Sharing the mood board with team members and stakeholders for feedback is essential in branding. It allows you to get input from others and make any necessary adjustments.

Incorporating the mood board into your brand guidelines ensures consistency across all branding elements. The brand guidelines should include elements from the mood board, such as colors, typography, and imagery. This will ensure that all branding elements are aligned with the brand’s mission, values, and identity.

Photo by Christian Brok on Unsplash

In summary, a brand mood board is a visual representation of a brand’s identity. It is an essential step in branding and should be regularly revisited and updated to ensure it aligns with the brand’s mission and values.

It is crucial to regularly revisit and update the mood board as your brand evolves. This will ensure that your brand’s identity stays consistent and relevant.

We encourage readers to use a mood board to create a consistent and cohesive brand identity for their own brand.



Chelsea Greene

I’m a designer that loves UX, fonts, and sunny beach days