Tarot Lesson of The Week — The Seven Of Swords

Time to get honest.

Chelsea Mancini
2 min readApr 10, 2022

Sevens are a bridge between the harmony of the sixes and the mastery of the eights. A bridge on which we’re asked to reflect and assess.

Sevens suggest a time of turning inward (in many religions, the 7th day is the day of rest), while swords deal with the internal/mental landscape. It’s a time to pay attention to your thoughts and your words.

May I suggest — you know more than you think you do. And denying your inner knowing serves no one.

May I also suggest that maybe you don’t need to know everything — so if you are presenting yourself with some type of mask in order to feign a particular appearance, it would probably feel good to stop.

Denying your inner knowing or trying to ‘seem’ a certain way when you really aren’t are really just symptoms of being disconnected from your truth. Can you have the courage to take a good look in the mirror and decide who you really want to be?

The Seven of Swords also encourages you to trust your gut. Everyone has their own ways and reasons for wearing masks — society often demands it of us, so don’t be afraid to question something external that feels shady or slightly inauthentic.

Journal Questions



Chelsea Mancini

Tarot reader, Intuitive Coach, Writer, Speaker. I coach women to transcend their fears and limiting beliefs and live with confidence and intention.