The Strand (NYC)

Night Time Words

Chelsea Schmidt
2 min readAug 16, 2015


In the dead of night words tend to burst from my fingertips.
It could be the words are nocturnal and this is the hour for play.
Or maybe my fingers simply get bored of sleeping and they need something to do.
Perhaps the real reason is a tiny dragon lives in one hand and a small mouse lives in the other and they don’t see each other very often.

The words are usually strange.
It could be they are actually a list of all the words my brain forgot throughout the day.
Or maybe I’ve read too many stories and they’re continuing the tale in my head.
Perhaps the real reason is that these are the words the tiny dragon wants to say to his friend the mouse and this is the only way they can communicate.

The words don’t always come.
It could be that some nights I’m far too tired for real words.
Or maybe I ate something delicious and was just so happy and full that I never woke up.
Perhaps the real reason is that the tiny dragon had a long day at work while the mouse is on vacation and international calls are quite expensive.

At first I hated the night time words.
It could be because they were invasive and pestered me for hours.
Or maybe it was because I thought I should be asleep at night and be awake in the morning.
Perhaps the real reason was that the dragon and the mouse had quite a lot of drama going on and tensions in the word world were running a bit high.

The words and I get along better now.
It could be because I realized the words were bigger and stronger and I was never going to win.
Or maybe it was because I one day decided that late words were better than no words at all.
But perhaps the real reason is that the dragon and the mouse have a lot of interesting things to say to each other and I may be able to benefit from this interruption.



Chelsea Schmidt

Artist. Book hoarder. Explorer. Storyteller. Owner of far too many candles. "...take heart! I have overcome the world.” -John 16:33