Day 12 — What’s the deal with design?

Daily Design
4 min readMay 23, 2022

A quick decoder on how to navigate through the world of design

UX Design. UI Design. Product Design. Interaction Design. Visual Design. Graphic Design. Okay, okay, I’ll stop right there.

I get it — it’s mega confusing. Especially when you’re trying to decipher the best line of attack in your job search. Why are there so many types of designs out there and how are they different from each other? Did someone decide to Google “synonym for product”, reinvent the title for Product Design to UX Design, and kickstart this snowball effect?

Perhaps. But what I can do is to try explaining the rules of this game.

Graphic | UI | Interaction | Visual DESIGNS

These four types of designs might be the most differentiable disciplines to understand so let’s start here.

Graphic Design

Graphic design has been around since humans started dabbling in creating artwork especially in the print field. Publications then migrated to the digital world and web graphic design became the next big thing. The goal of a graphic designer — as we know it in today’s terminology — is to use graphics to convey the right messaging. A graphic designer’s job can vary in medium such as print, brochures, ads, branding, and web design. For example, a logo designer would be a form of graphic design.

Visual Design

