Self-Care During Tumultuous Times

With so much going on in the world, it is important that you take a moment.

Chelsia Ortiz
4 min readJun 3, 2020
Photo by Madison Inouye from Pexels

In the midst of protests, a pandemic, working from home,remote-learning, and economic uncertainty, it is so easy to forget that you are a person with your own needs. It is important that you take a moment for yourself to just breathe.

The world is in chaos. We are in the midst of several major shifts. The most important of these shifts is the Black Lives Matter movement. It isn’t new, however, it has finally gained the traction it needs to make lasting change.

Next up, we have the pandemic. Covid-19 has devastated the world and we have been brought to our knees. School is canceled. Many have suffered job loss. Those of us still working are working from home or risking our lives going to work.

If you have kids, you are helping them, or at least trying to help them, complete their school work at home. It is chaotic and hard to figure out. It doesn't even resemble real homeschooling, and even those who were already homeschooling are struggling.

You may have already been discussing race and racism with your kids but now you are having the conversation with more urgency. You are fielding extra questions and trying to make sure that your family stays safe while still doing your part to help.

Money is tighter than usual. The government has helped a little, but it isn’t much and you are worried. You are struggling to keep the bills paid, and if you had a good savings account, you may be watching it deplete one bill at a time.

You get no breaks. You are home with your family members and you never have a moment to yourself. Whether kids are following you to the bathroom or your partner is being snappy, you just can’t get any space.

Maybe it is the opposite. Maybe you have been alone and only having contact with people through your phone and the internet. You are craving interaction and human touch.

No matter the case, I see you. I hear you. Things are hard right now, but there are some things you can do to feel better.

First, you need to give yourself a break. If you have kids, stop worrying so much about screen time or snacks. Give a little. It is ok to hand your kids a snack and a drink and put on their favorite movie. Just walk away and let them veg out while you take a few moments to yourself.

If your partner is home with you, even better. Take turns. Each of you can get an hour or two a day to decompress while the other takes full responsibility for the home. Sit in another room, take a bath, go for a walk. Just do something that allows you a bit of space and the ability to not breathe in the same air as someone else.

For those of you home alone, find a friend who is also home alone. Lockdown together. You can wear a mask if it helps, but sometimes we need to be near someone else. Staying safe is important, and that includes taking care of your mental health. Being alone for too long can lead to major mental health issues later.

If you don’t know what to do to relax, try different things. Get some adult coloring books and colored pencils. Start a new book series. Take baths and try new bath bombs. Pick up a new hobby. Start a new show series. Join online forums and groups and make some new friends.

Is money an issue? You don’t need to spend cash to relax. Check out Pinterest and try out some new DIY projects using things you already have. Make it your mission to try new things. Maybe pick some old hobbies and crafts back up now that you have the time.

If you are protesting and participating in activism work, it is especially important that you take time out of the day for yourself. If you burn out, you could make dangerous mistakes and decisions. You could even end up having a mental breakdown. The movement needs you, and you need to care for yourself.

I understand that things are scary right now. We need a change in the world. It is worth the fight. We also need to worry about getting sick, keeping our families safe, and we need to provide security and stability for our kids. You can’t do any of that if you aren’t keeping yourself mentally and physically healthy.

You deserve to be healthy. You deserve to be safe. You deserve to relax. It may not be possible to spend all day every day relaxing, but always remember to take at least 30 minutes focused on your own well-being every day. Reach out to friends and family when you need to. We are all in this together.



Chelsia Ortiz

Chelsia Ortiz is a passionate writer who cares deeply about the mental well-being and health of others.