Chelsie Brown
6 min readSep 18, 2018

In The Orbit: Dirty Mouth Test 37

As a person who is always on the go, I use chewing gum for freshening my breath. I also use humor on a daily basis as I am sure most of us do. I believe cruel humor has to be the funniest. For a brief example I am using a great comedian known as Amy Schumer.

Comedian Amy Schumer

She once said, “ Hey! Just at the cemetery, thinkin’ boutcha”. This is the type of humor younger people love. It focuses in on the dark side of things which seems to make the jokes funnier. Gum and comedy are not exactly two things that typically go together. Who would have ever thought those two things could be combined? Well the answer is simple, Orbit Gum. They released a hysterical commercial back in 2008 that I am sure most of us have laughed at. It was the famous Lint Licker commercial.

Dirty Mouth Test 37

I believe this ad for Orbit was genius, they used humor combined with the Logos persuasion type. Even if I did not like the gum it still made me laugh so hard I wanted to try it.

It is not necessarily clear what type of dirty mouth they are talking about. We would think since it is a gum commercial they would mean maybe stinky breath, in any situation. The situation in which Orbit provided was not only hilarious but has made up catchy words in it. I still to this day ten years later repeat phrases I remember from the commercial when I was only eleven years old. As I have aged the commercial has become more appealing and humorous. I can more so understand the slurs and humor that were intended for older people not that I am grown. One thing about the commercial that caught my attention was the phrase at the beginning, “Dirty Mouth Test 37”. This could possibly mean a few different things such as cussing, cheating, or just dirty breath in general. A lot of this commercial is left up to the viewers interpretation on several occasions such as the introduction, the funny slurs, and the cheating husband. No matter how much this commercial make confuses people, the motive was clear. No matter what kind of dirty mouth you have, Orbit gives you a good clean feeling no matter what. They are sublimity saying even if your husband cheats on you orbit will still give you a good clean feeling.

Similarly, they are trying to portray a good clean feeling after chewing orbit any literally any situation. As in one of their other commercials where people are about to cuss but instead the lady says names over the cuss words.

Orbit cleans cussing

They are saying in this commercial for example, Orbit can clean up the dirtiest mouths even mouths that cuss. Orbit is a marketing genius for doing their commercials like this. Not only are they hilarious, but they also make us want to go out and buy orbit just because the commercials are funny. I do not like raspberry but because the Dirty Mouth Test commercial I went to try the gum anyways. This is what persuasion can do to us, even if we do not like something we are compelled to try it based on the commercials.

In continuance, I believe Orbit are marketing geniuses. I believe they had a specific age range with this commercial though. I believe they were marketing more towards college students or people in their mid-20s. Orbit went with the dark humor because they knew a lot of millennials would find it hilarious for years to come.We love dark humor or as we call them memes. A meme is just a funny picture/video that goes viral.


With me I think they hit the gum right in the mouth, ever since I seen the commercial all I ever buy is Orbit. Orbit is the same price if not a little cheaper, so why not buy it just because they are funny. I believe this commercial could appeal to a lot more than people just in their 20s though. As Sabriana said, “The script contained a bunch of euphemisms that combined with the funny situation of the commercial caused a nation-wide sensation, not only on the internet but on pop culture as well” (Tibbetts). This commercial went viral as soon as it aired. Everyone thought it was hilarious no matter the age. As a kid I thought it was hilarious, as an adult I think it is even funnier, my friends and I still laugh about it to this day. I believe the sole purpose of the commercial was to get you saying, “What did they just say?”. So, you would have to double take at the commercial to make sure of what was happening. When you realize is was a cheating husband it just makes it all that much funnier and intriguing. The phrases they say to each other must be the best part about the commercial. Some brief examples include, “You son of a biscuit-eating bulldog, What the French-Toast, and lint-licker”. I believe these phrases will live in on in meme (funny internet joke) history forever.

To continue my thoughts, one of the funniest parts in the commercial was when the husband says she is over reacting to his affair. She then stated that the over reacting part was when she put his convertible into a wood chipper. She then preceded to pour out the pieces of the car onto the floor. This was hilarious not only for people who have been in the situation but everyone else as well. Another part of the commercial that makes it sublimity more appealing is the host lady’s British accent. She has nice white teeth and a very strong accent. This actor and model know as Vanessa Branch has gained a lot of fame from these commercials. She is the star in most of them repeating the most common orbit quote, “Dirty mouth? Clean it up with orbit!”. I feel as though her appeal also makes the commercial a lot more intriguing. She is a very attractive British woman, so most people would just want to listen when she talks. It is almost drawing our attention when you hear her brtitish accent. Then when we actually see her we want beautiful white teeth like she has. It also draws our attention when the white sparling letters (supposed to represent the clean feeling you get) shine in the commercials as well. They do an overall creative advertisement that I think will be drawing people of all ages and races to their gum for years.

Orbit is a hilarious gum company who produces a lot of memes. These all vary based on the commercial or advertisement. Some companies like to do basic commercials or serious, but orbit stepped it up with the dark humor scene. Some commercials are hit or miss when trying to be hilarious, especially the 20’s to mid-20’s range. They hit their target of subject, audience, and purpose with most of their commercials. A lot of their commercials are very appealing and convince me to want their gum. The dirty mouth test 37 must be the most effective. It is the funniest and most relatable out of all of them. They used dark humor which applied to a lot of people. Dark humor such as Amy Schumer uses that appeal to a variety of people as well. Dark humor equals marketing genius because a lot of different people laugh at memes or commercials and would be willing to by their product. No matter what it is or if they normally like it or not, you can appeal to different sides of them. Even if the mint raspberry gum did not sound good we still all wanted to give it a try because the commercial. This advertisement was the most persuasive advertisement I have still ever seen to this day. It convinced me to buy something I did not even like because the commercial was so appealing. Orbit did a great job, even though the raspberry gum is not as good as one might be led to believe. We already know the right answer all along, chewing Orbit gets rid of a dirty mouth, no matter what kind it may be. It starts with memes and ends with chewing gum, Orbit.