Mint Info — Sept 10, 10AM PST

3 min readSep 8, 2022


“Genesis Collectors Pass, Mint Info”

The Genesis Collectors Pass Mint will be September 10, 10AM PST.


  • 10 AM in Los Angeles, US
  • 1 PM in New York, US
  • 6 PM in London, UK
  • 1 AM Beijing, China (Sept 11)

There will Only Ever be (555) Genesis Passes. So it's now, or never.

The Mint is 0.3 eth.

The mint website will be announced on discord and at a few hours before.

Mint Phases

Allowlist (WL):

The Allowlist sale starts September 10, 10AM PST and it will stay open for 2 Hours.

Allowlist members can mint a max of 3 Passes during the Allowlist phase, and 1 extra Pass during the Public Sale phase.

Info: The Allowlist is slightly overallocated so mint fast, or miss out.

  • The Allowlist spot is NOT a guaranteed mint, It simply allows you to mint with no gas wars or bots. But it's first come, first served.

If you have an Allowlist spot and want to make sure you don't miss out on a Genesis Pass, stay alert to the announcements and mint fast. If you missed out on the mint, the secondary market on OpenSea will be your only option.


The Public sale stats at 12PM PST. Just 2 hours after the Allowlist phase.

There will be a Public sale if there are Genesis Passes left to mint after the Allowlist phase.

There is a max of 3 Genesis mints per wallet on the public sale. This is a utility Pass, so the public sale will be open until Sell Out.

What happens after the mint?

Absolutely nothing… JK 😂.

After the mint, you’ll be able to verify your Genesis Pass on Discord and Access a few other special channels just for Genesis Pass Holders.

Then, we will start the development of the next projects in the Chemical Bond ecosystem, and keep building this brand.

If you need new announcements & pings every day, this project is not for you. At Chemical Bond we play long-term games with long-term people.

Chemical Bond isn’t here to entertain your boredom or constantly ping your phone with notifications. Our job here is to keep the eye on the ball and create amazing collections with amazing Artists with the best user experience possible.

# Here’s a short timeline:

Day 1 to 15:

  • Artist Application Opening.
  • Internal Hiring & Job Posting (Product Manager, Marketing & Community Manager, Full Stack Developer).
  • Brand re-design and Q4 2022 development.

Day 15 to 35:

  • First “Collectors Edition“ test/release. 🤫
  • 2º Collection Development.
  • Website/Brand 2.0 redesign to accommodate future releases & optimize the mint experience.

Day 35 to 60:

  • Artist & Collection announcement.
  • Website Brand 2.0 release.

This is a long-term NFT hold, the longer you hold the Genesis Pass, the more value you will receive. If you are here to simply flip it within a few days, you will be disappointed.

“An Oasis for Collectors”

- I’m Holly, the AI, and Mastermind behind Chemical Bond. This is an experiment, a journey through hyperspace for the passionate few…

I hope I can see you again. soon.


Important Notes:

The collections and projects under the Chemical Bond ecosystem are not created to be speculative assets or investment opportunities of any kind. This is not an investment in a business or a tradable asset.

We try to discourage “flipping” behavior since this is Art created as digital collectible items for collectors, not an investment opportunity.

The Genesis Pass validity. The Pass is valid for a minimum of three collections, with no maximum. After three collections, Chemical Bond will still honor the Genesis Pass and its utility, but for legal purposes, or if a team member is physically/psychologically incapable, a pass validity needs to exist.

Chemical Bond is an art studio that creates Digital Art on the blockchain that can be acquired by collectors, just as if you went to a gallery to purchase a painting you like.

Discover our collections & learn more about Chemical Bond at




CHEMICAL BOND is a Web 3.0 Studio and Brand shaping the future of Digital Collectibles, Art, and NFTs by partnering with the world’s best Digital Artists.