Exploring the Aromatic World of 3-Mercaptohexyl Butyrate: A Comprehensive Guide

Chemical Bull
3 min readFeb 22, 2024


In the vast realm of organic compounds, 3-Mercaptohexyl Butyrate stands out as a fascinating aromatic compound that finds applications in various industries, from perfumery to food flavoring. This blog aims to delve deep into the characteristics, uses, synthesis, and significance of 3-Mercaptohexyl Butyrate, offering a comprehensive guide to this intriguing chemical compound.

1. Understanding 3-Mercaptohexyl Butyrate

  1. Chemical Structure: 3-Mercaptohexyl Butyrate, also known by its IUPAC name (Z)-3-mercaptohexyl butanoate, is an organic compound with the chemical formula C10H20O2S. It belongs to the family of butyrate esters, characterized by the presence of a butyric acid moiety (-C3H7COOH) and a hexyl group (-C6H13).
  2. Physical Properties:
    — Appearance: 3-Mercaptohexyl Butyrate typically presents itself as a colorless to pale yellow liquid with a distinct odor.
    — Molecular Weight: The molecular weight of 3-Mercaptohexyl Butyrate is approximately 204.33 g/mol.
    — Solubility: It is sparingly soluble in water but exhibits good solubility in organic solvents like ethanol and diethyl ether.
  3. Odor Profile: One of the most notable attributes of 3-Mercaptohexyl Butyrate is its distinctive odor profile, which is described as fruity, tropical, and reminiscent of pineapple, mango, and other tropical fruits. This characteristic aroma makes it a sought-after ingredient in the fragrance industry.

2. Applications of 3-Mercaptohexyl Butyrate

  1. Perfumery: Due to its pleasant fruity aroma, 3-Mercaptohexyl Butyrate is extensively used in perfumery to impart tropical and exotic notes to various fragrance compositions. It is often employed in the formulation of perfumes, colognes, and other personal care products, contributing to their olfactory allure.
  2. Flavoring Industry: The food and beverage industry also harnesses the aromatic potential of 3-Mercaptohexyl Butyrate. It is utilized as a flavoring agent to enhance the taste and aroma of a wide range of products, including candies, beverages, desserts, and confectioneries. Its fruity flavor profile adds a delightful twist to culinary creations.
  3. Chemical Synthesis: Beyond its sensory applications, 3-Mercaptohexyl Butyrate serves as a valuable intermediate in organic synthesis. It is employed in the production of other aromatic compounds and fine chemicals through various chemical reactions and processes, contributing to the diversity of organic chemistry.

3. Synthesis Methods

  1. Esterification: The most common method for synthesizing 3-Mercaptohexyl Butyrate involves esterification, wherein butyric acid reacts with 3-mercaptohexanol in the presence of a suitable acid catalyst. This reaction typically occurs under reflux conditions and yields the desired ester along with water as a byproduct.
  2. Transesterification: Transesterification reactions, particularly with alcoholysis of other esters, can also yield 3-Mercaptohexyl Butyrate. This method offers versatility in substrate selection and can be optimized for industrial-scale synthesis.

4. Significance in Industries

  1. Fragrance and Cosmetics: In the fragrance and cosmetics industry, 3-Mercaptohexyl Butyrate plays a pivotal role in creating captivating scents that appeal to consumers’ olfactory senses. Its fruity aroma adds depth and complexity to perfumes, body lotions, and other personal care products, contributing to their marketability and consumer preference.
  2. Food and Beverage: In the food and beverage sector, 3-Mercaptohexyl Butyrate enhances the sensory experience of consumers by imparting delectable fruity flavors to various food products. Whether in beverages, baked goods, or confectioneries, its inclusion elevates the taste profile, making products more appealing and enjoyable.

5. Regulatory Considerations

  1. Safety and Toxicity: While 3-Mercaptohexyl Butyrate is generally regarded as safe for use in fragrance and flavor applications when employed within recommended concentrations, regulatory bodies such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) establish guidelines and maximum permissible levels to ensure consumer safety.
  2. Labeling Requirements: Manufacturers and suppliers of products containing 3-Mercaptohexyl Butyrate are required to adhere to labeling regulations that accurately disclose its presence in formulations. This enables consumers to make informed choices and helps prevent potential allergic reactions or sensitivities.


In conclusion, 3-Mercaptohexyl Butyrate stands out as a versatile and valuable compound with wide-ranging applications in the fragrance, flavor, and chemical industries. Its fruity aroma and flavor profile contribute to the sensory appeal of various products, enriching the consumer experience. Through effective synthesis methods and adherence to regulatory standards, this compound continues to play a significant role in shaping the aromatic landscape of diverse industries, offering endless possibilities for olfactory exploration and innovation.

