SI Units in Chemistry
2 min readJul 14, 2022


SI Units in Chemistry

SI Units in Chemistry involve both a quantitative observation (a number) and a qualitative observation (a unit). See the example below:

number: 9
unit: liters

Combined this gives us a measurement: 9L

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SI System of Units

The SI stands for the French way of saying “International System of Units.”

While there are a total of 7 SI Base Units, the five SI Base Units you should learn are listed below…


SI Fundamental Units

In Chemistry, SI Fundamental Units are often referred to as “SI Base Units.” The five fundamental SI units that you should know are depicted in the image shown here:

Five SI Base Units
SI Base Units (SI Fundamental Units) to Know

More than five, there’s actually seven Fundamental SI Units in Chemistry, but two have been omitted from the image above: electric current (ampere) and luminous intensity (candela).

You won’t need to learn those two in your first year Chemistry class or course.

But you should definitely LEARN the five SI Fundamental Units you see above.


SI Derived Units

Any units that are not one of the 7 SI Base Units are called:

➞ SI Derived Units

This name is suitable because SI Derived Units are derived from the 7 SI Fundamental Units.

The two most used examples are:

ex: density
ex: volume

Density is an SI Derived Unit in Chemistry
Density is an SI Derived Unit

In order for both SI Fundamental Units and SI Derived Units to be useful, quite often chemists place prefixes in front of them…


SI Prefixes and SI Units in Chemistry

The SI Prefixes that you should learn are listed below. They are broken up into larger prefixes/units and smaller prefixes/units:

SI Prefixes in Chemistry
SI Prefixes in Chemistry


SI Units in Chemistry
SI Units in Chemistry >


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