Masternodes, passive mining. (Akroma, Pirl, Ether-1)

Дмитрий Ченцов
5 min readJul 5, 2018


Masternode, is a server in a decentralized network. It is used to perform unique functions that ordinary (incomplete) nodes can not implement. These are direct / instant transactions or private transfers, these are decentralized content and instant access to decentralized databases. Because of their great capabilities, such network nodes usually require significant investments to raise the masternode. But then the server operators are encouraged by the crypto currency by getting a part of the rewards for the block in the blockchain that they support. Interest in crypto-currencies with masternodes is growing every day — it’s time and we talk about such projects and it is possible to start minning coins, which are expected to have Masternodes in their network.

A bit of history:
At one time, developers of anonymous crypto-currencies, primarily DASH (formerly called Darkcoin) and forks based on it, use the full nodes of the network to mix user transactions. With this approach, the overall security of the network and the anonymity of its transactions largely depend on the number of active complete nodes serving the network. In order for the network participants to have an incentive to start and support the work of full-fledged nodes that provide the intermixing of transactions, these efforts were rewarded. Such nodes began to be called masternodes.

Technical terms and calculations applied in determining the yield of Masternode:
I tried to reduce this point to a minimum, just two small formulas showing how easy it is to calculate the reward for masternode (in coins) and ROI (in percentage). You also can not count these values. In the Internet, a large number of resources that count these figures for you.

Also we will not consider here the process of setting up masternodes, this process is individual for each coin and is detailed on the sites of each project.

It is worth mentioning the problems for which most projects with masternodes are criticized. The problem is one, in general, there is full source code for the DASH project, so now you can easily find on the Internet, the ready-made instructions for creating your fork and implementing the masternode on it. Critics are right when they accuse most of these new projects in the absence of an idea and the lack of a team for project development. Recently, the creation of coins on NeoScript in the format of POS + MN generally acquired the scales of the sell industry. Blockchain projects are born and die with the speed of meteors on the night sky. And on the Internet, businesses that sell a ready-made coin code with two or three wallets, for a non-space amount, are thriving.
That’s why, I advise you — when choosing a coin, operator masternodes on which you want to become, do not go for the mad profit offered by some projects, but first of all look at the prospects for the development of the coin as such. Owning a mastenode on such a coin, in case of the right choice, will be a pleasant additional bonus for the development of the project. And an excellent income after its formation.

I try rarely to give advice to my readers, correct journalism is impartial. But today I will tell you about projects with Masterdnodes on the ethash protocol. Why, you ask? First of all, there are only three such projects. Secondly, they are all written using partially open source code. And this impresses me, since it limits the penetration of project ideas into the hands of unscrupulous dealers.

1. Pirl — quite an old project, will soon celebrate the year from the moment of birth. Ancestor of ethash coins with masternode technology. At the moment, after the January slalom associated with the launch of the masternode network, the coin schedule looks like a mountain, but the project continues its development, the beta testing of the PirlPay system has recently started and I am sure that the project will still be able to show itself in an unexpected light. However, for today, Masternode on Pirl costs about 5100 USD and in connection with a rather large price, is not a priority for the first experience with masternode. However, suddenly someone wants to try, here is a link to the project site

2. Akroma — literally today in my blogs, I described why I believe in the Akroma project. Excellent team, they have a well-designed plan, dynamic development. All this makes this project one of my favorites. Honestly, I kept 15k of coins for a long time, my coins are in three masternodes in the Akroma network and each day bring a small amount of coins that brighten up my observation of the development of the project. Masternode on Akroma, for today it costs about 600 dollars and is much closer to us, for the first experience with masternodes. And again a link to the project site

3. Ether-1 project literally broke into the crypt world. The project is just over a month, but tomorrow will begin the alfa-testing of masternode on it. Until the end of the month, developers promise to deploy the masternode network on an ongoing basis. The future masternode on it, while it costs around 360 dollars. But we all believe that the project will continue its development and will soon take its place among stable projects with a good reputation. At least, at the moment, developers are fulfilling all their promises for the development of the project. Those who are interested in the project can read about it here

On this I’ll probably finish my short review. As always, you can ask me questions in my Twitter account at And you can also support our project by using the services of a pool for mining altcoins Obtain Akroma with us.

