Depression Steals More Than Just Joy

It can take away everything…

Cheney Meaghan
4 min readApr 26, 2019
Photo by DANNY G on Unsplash

I’m going on week three of being in a total depressive funk, which seems like a cosmic joke as it was only at the end of February that I was asking myself if depression remission is a thing that happens, because, at the time, I felt totally fine.

It’s serious business for me to feel totally fine, and I thought it was serious back then when I thought I had gone into some sort of depression remission.

It’s not usual or regular for me to feel totally fine, and so something felt…off… like I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop me back to where I was before, and lo, that shoe has dropped.

Yesterday was the first day that I had trouble getting out of bed.

The alarm went off and I snoozed and snoozed the thing, getting up over an hour later than I usually do, only to lay down on the couch in our living room and spend most of the day listlessly trying to watch TV, but I couldn’t even do that because I would either completely space out or just fall asleep.

Today, it was even harder to get out of bed, and I’ve spent the morning reading, not even wanting to bother turning on the TV because I feel like there’s no point, that I won’t absorb anything anyway, so why not read a book I’ve read a million times before…

