Crazy fan economy in Asia and why it is “YUGE” for ObEN-PAI

5 min readMay 4, 2018


——The absurd love and worship Asian fans’ have for their idols are actually extremely similar to the same feeling North Koreans have for their Supreme Leader — — Kim Jung Un. The only difference is: they make wars, we make money.

September 21st, 2017, a satellite was sent 100000 ft above the ground with this picture

Turns out, it was for celebrating one of the most famous celebrities in China — — Junkai Wang’s(王俊凯) 18th birthday. Meanwhile, In Los Angeles, fans from 37 fans organizations used skywriting to spell out Wang’s name in Chinese pinyin above the Hollywood sky. Each letter was about the size of the Empire State Building and lasted for about five to seven minutes in the air. A total of five aircraft spelled out his name 18 times in total. This is reportedly the first case of fans using skywriting to show support for a celebrity. It also made Wang the first Chinese star whose name got spelled out over Hollywood, reported.

If this is not enough for explaining the so-called fan economy, or the unbelievable purchasing power of Fans in China. Let me also tell you, Wang now even own 18 stars that, if connected together, write his initials in the space like this.

“Surprisingly”, it is also bought by his fans in China. Crazy stories like this are happening everyday in China and they are beyond imagination. Yesterday, an emerging Pop idol called ChengCheng Fan(范丞丞) posted a selfie on, the twitter of China. That picture can only be seen if you pay him 60¥. Shockingly, it got more than 80,000 views in less than 24 hours. It means that the man actually earned 4,800,000 of cash with one random selfie that, to his crazy fans, is holier than Jesus himself.

The absurd love and worship Asian fans’ have for their idols are actually extremely similar to the same feeling North Koreans have for their Supreme Leader — — Kim Jung Un. The only difference is, they make wars, we make money. Mr. Mark Zuckerberg may have shown you that the private data is the invisible gold in the contemporary society, but Project PAI would tell you a different story. In China, Korea, and Japan, countless celebrities like Wang are been produced by the industry every day. And ObEN is the only winner among all the other rival A.I companies that got the partnership with one of the largest entertainment giants in Korea — — S.M. Entertainment.

Let’s say, if idols like Junkai Wang are “products” that generate tons of traffic and of course, revenues, then S.M. is the biggest “factory” that produces them. So far, S.M. has produced one of the greatest K-POP groups on the planet — — EXO. According to Wikipedia, They were ranked as one of the top five most influential celebrities on the Forbes Korea Power Celebrity list from 2014 to 2018 and have been named “the biggest boyband in the world” and the “Kings of K-pop” by media outlets.[1][3].

The current members of EXO

Besides, PAI also partners with the largest girls POP group in China — — SNH48,whose MV got 3.5 millions of views on YouTube( even with YouTube being blocked by the Chinese great firewall.

A picture from SNH 48’s album

Their Loyal fans in China are even paying millions of cash just to shake their hands(Sounds a little bit creepy isn’t it) and vote for them. With ObEN and PAI, this industry will be taken to a whole new level thanks to A.I and blockchain technology. According to their Whitepaper, Project PAI is developing an open-source, blockchain-based platform designed to allow everyone to create, manage, and use their own Personal Artificial Intelligence (PAI). The PAI Blockchain Protocol (PAI blockchain) enables a decentralized AI economy where application developers can create products and services that will be beneficial to the PAI ecosystem and users can contribute their PAI data to improve and enhance the platform’s AI neural network. In addition, companies and developers can easily create their own token on top of the PAI blockchain to facilitate interaction and transaction in their own unique experiences. The focal point of all interactions on the PAI blockchain are PAIs — intelligent 3D avatars that look, talk and behave just like their human counterparts, made from the digital profiles of the user’s online behavior.

If the Asian fans culture is like another universe to you, just imagine if Justin Bieber or Ed Sheeran will sing your 17 years old daughter to sleep, or romantically dance for her in her wedding. I bet she’s going to save her lunch money for those features. And, imagine there’s countless “Chinese Justin Bieber” and “Korean Justin Bieber” emerging daily and potentially be partnering with Pai , I undoubtedly knew the story will only become crazier with the enormous amount of fan-base in Asia. I mean, what could be crazier than shooting a satellite just for celebrating one celebrities’ birthday, or earn 48,000,000 bucks with one selfie? With more IP partners with celebrities both in and out of Asia to come, the future success of PAI resulted by Fan economy will be unimaginably “YUGE”. And maybe one day the fans of one of the PAI-partnered celebrities will actually shoot a satellite like they did for Wang and send Project PAI TO THE REAL MOON!

Project PAI’s website:

ObEN’s official website:

S.M.’s official website:

If you are feeling generous, donation to this college kid is greatly appreciated.

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