Haunting Story-The Duendes (Elves) in Mexico

Cheniliz Lopez
6 min readMay 6, 2022


Hi everybody and happy Friday!! I hope you all had a great weekend and that you are all doing well!

So for this week’s haunting story, I will be telling the story of the duendes (elves) that have been seen in Mexico since around the time that the Mayan civilizations were a thing. I bet that reading “elf” makes you think of the Christmas elves and the cute ones in cartoon movies but these are completely different from the ones I am talking about now.

These are duendes that I am talking about.

Many different duendes have been seen throughout the world and are part of the mythical creatures that we have read about. In Mexico, the duendes are not part of anything Christian related therefore are associated with sinister beings and evil spirits.

Whenever I would go to Mexico and my family would go camping into the woods, we would always end up talking about scary/paranormal experiences. Most of the time, my siblings, cousins and I would sit around the fire pit and listen to the many stories told by our parents and grandparents. For this week’s story, I have decided to talk about two different duende paranormal experiences that happened to two of my family members. One of these experiences happened to my cousin from my mother’s side of the family and the other experience happened to my aunt from my dad’s side of the family.

We would stay in these types of cabins whenever we would go to Mexico.

FIRST STORY: My cousin’s experience!

Alright, the first paranormal experience happened to my cousin when we had gone to Mexico one summer back in 2006 or 2007. I was about 9 years old and she was about 14 years old.

Whenever we would go to Mexico, we would always stay with one of my uncles in his home but would have sleepovers all of the time. Since all of the cousins wanted to hang out together, we would arrange giant sleepovers at our aunt’s house since she had the biggest living room that would fit more than 5 people on the floor in sleeping bags.

There were glass doors dividing the water fountain area & the living room!
We all put our sleeping bags on the living room floor and could see outside to the back and front yards.

One thing that I want to make super clear is that my aunt’s house is one of the scariest homes my cousins and I have ever seen. It is a beautiful 2 bedroom home with a giant dining room, a study, a huge living room, a giant backyard and front yard. It was the typical Spanish looking hacienda that has two guest houses; one in the front yard and one in the backyard. Even though it is a beautiful home, I have always felt scared being alone in her house. I have many other scary stories that have happened to my cousins in that house but those are for another day. STAY TUNED!

During one of the nights that we were going to sleep over, my cousins and I had all positioned our sleeping bags so that our heads would face towards my aunt’s backyard (where her water fountain was) and our feet faced the doors that led to the giant foyer/front porch area.

We all got tired around midnight so we all fell asleep except for my cousin. She said that while she tried to go to sleep, she immediately began to hear children laughing. She said that she could hear them all laughing and that she knew that they were near the fountain area since she could hear them super close. She said that she immediately closed her eyes and did not open them because she was scared that she was going to see something she did not want to see. She immediately knew that it was something sinister because the children laughing did not sound like normal children and the laughter made her skin crawl.

Eventually she ended up falling asleep and then told us all of this the next day while we had breakfast. After telling my aunts and uncles, they told us that the laughter my cousin had heard were from the duendes and not from children. From then on, she requested to sleep in one of the bedrooms with my mom because she was super afraid of seeing or hearing the duendes again. Thankfully, it never happened to her again! Mind you, there were no cousins younger than my brother who was 7 years old and he was knocked out.

SECOND STORY: My aunt’s experience!

So remember how I told you all that I was at a baby shower last month and that my aunt and uncles shared a whole bunch of stories with me? Well, here we are again with another story from one of my aunts!

My aunt is around 40 years old and when this story happened she was about 10 and her sister was a bit younger than her. So this story happened around the early 90s in Mexico D.F!

So before I get into the story, I want to talk more about the duendes and what they were known to do. My aunt grew up hearing that the duendes would mark you when you would sleep and after a few nights of this, they would then lure you away until you would get lost. She shared that this began to happen to her grandma and after a few nights of being marked, she disappeared and has never been found. My aunt shared that her aunts and uncles have spent 30 years looking for their mother and have never found her. They all claim that the duendes are at fault for their missing mom and do want to give up until they find her.

My aunt also shared her personal experience with the duendes! She said that one late afternoon, she was outside playing with her sister near a ditch. All of a sudden, they heard voices calling them over and when they looked at who was calling them, they saw duendes. They said they saw two little creatures about 10 feet away and her sister wanted to follow them but she stopped her. My aunt told her sister that they needed to walk back to their house and tell their mom what had happened. When they got back home, their mom explained what could have happened to them and told them that they were not allowed to be outside once it was nighttime.

What do you think really happened? Let me know!!

See you on Monday!!

