Haunting Story-Yucaipa’s Haunted Hill

Cheniliz Lopez
3 min readJun 24, 2022


Hi friends!1 Happy Friday! Do you have any plans for the weekend? I actually do :) I am currently in Las Vegas because I was invited to my friend’s birthday weekend celebration! We are going to do a lot of things. lol. I will be the sober friend that helps their friends as much as she can!!

Alrighty, that is enough about me! Let’s get into this week’s scary story! So if you did not know, I went to the University of Redlands for my undergraduate career. Even though I did not live on campus, I am and was very familiar with the areas and where most people hang out.

My sister also went to the same college for her undergraduate career and she had lots of fun with her sorority sisters and fraternity brothers. (fun fact: I followed in her footsteps and joined the same sorority she was in).

So if you are not familiar with the Redlands area, there are cities nearby and one of them being the city of Yucaipa. There is a place in Yucaipa with hills where people have said that if you drive halfway up one specific hill and put your car on neutral, your car will somehow keep moving up the hill versus down. Aside from the car moving upward, they were told that the little hand prints would appear on the back of the car as if little kids were pushing the car up. I remember when my sister first told me this (back when she was in college and I was in high school), she expressed to us that she would never go to this specific hill on purpose to try to experience something scary. Especially because she and the rest of us believe in the paranormal and in things that no one and nor science can explain.


During the time that my sister was in college, she met a group of guys (who were in the fraternity that was the brother frat of our sorority) that were always down to do things that were adventurous and maybe a little scary. She said that on this particular night, she was too busy so she did not hang out with them. Anyway, the group of guys decided to head out to this specific hill in Yucaipa to see if what people said was true.

They said that as soon as they were halfway up the hill, they put the car in neutral and began to notice that it felt like their car was being pushed upward. The car began to be pushed up the hill versus going down like any car would do on a hill and on neutral. They also began to notice the little handprints begin to appear and freaked out. After this, they decided to go back to campus and the next day told my sister and a few other girls about what had happened. When they asked my sister and the other girls if they wanted to join them on their next outing to the same place, they all told the dudes “hell no.”

Why would you want to go experience these things? SCARYYYY. Well, anyway, let me know what yall thought of this story :)

ONE LAST THING: I am going to post only twice a month because weekly has been really hard for me to do as of lately!

