The Ruins (2008)BIASED Movie Review!

Cheniliz Lopez
6 min readJun 16, 2023


HI everyone! I am back after a few months of not writing anything. Truth is that I got really busy with work and the gym that I stopped writing but I want to pick it up again. For this week’s horror movie that I actually really enjoyed, I chose The Ruins!


Okay so the movie starts off with a couple of friends; Jeff, Amy, Eric and Stacy, who all take a trip to Mexico. Once there, they meet with Mathias who is a German tourist and his friend Dimitri who are both looking for Mathias’ brother Heinrich. Heinrich went missing and his last location was at an archaeological dig at a remote Mayan ruin.

Amy, Stacy, Eric and Jeff (blue shirt)
Mathias, Dimitri, Stacy, Eric, Amy and Jeff

When the group gets near the ruin, they are confronted by armed Mayan villagers who do not understand any English or Spanish. Mathias tries to explain why they are there but they continue to shout at them. Amy accidentally steps on one of the vines at the bottom of the ruin so the villagers begin forcing them onto the ruin. When Dimitri tries to walk towards one of the villagers, they shoot him with an arrow and kill him.

The cast and the Mayan temple
Dimitri dies

Once at the top, they find an abandoned campsite and hear a phone ringing inside the ruins so the group begins to lower Mathias down but the rope breaks, he falls and becomes paralyzed. Amy and Jeff go down the stairs of the ruin and try to reason with the Mayans but are not successful so Amy grabs vines and throws it at one of the little boys. Amy and Jeff both witness the Mayans kill the boy and realize that the Mayans are “scared” of the vines. Later, Stacy and Amy go down the shaft of the ruins to rescue Mathias.

The group trying to comfort Stacy
Mathias being lowered down the shaft
Mathias falls and become paralyzed

The next morning, Stacy notices that a small piece of vine has begun to grow inside her wound she got the night before. The vines have also wrapped themselves around Mathias’ lower legs and eaten his flesh to the bone. Eric and Jeff are successful in removing the vines from Stacy but cannot help Mathias. The cellphone is heard once again in the ruins so Stacy and Amy go down the shaft again. When they get down there, they find the body of Heinrich’s friend and a broken phone. When they realize that the vines were making the cell phone sound, they are attacked and barely get out of the shaft.

Jeff cleaning Stacy’s leg
Jeff and Eric cutting Mathias’ legs off

As Mathias’ legs worsen, Jeff and Eric amputates his legs. Stacy sees Eric comforting Amy and accuses them of having an affair and while they’re arguing, Mathias is suffocated by the vines. The next morning, Stacy shows Amy and Jeff the vibes from her leg and spine. Stacy grabs the knife and says that she feels a vine in her head as a vine moves across her forehead. The group stares at her as the realization hits them.

The next morning Stacy goes outside, grabs a knife and begins cutting herself open all around her body to get the vines out. Eric wakes up and tries to stop her but as he does so, she fatally stabs him. Stacy cries and begs Amy to kill her but Jeff does so instead as an act of mercy.

Stacy cutting herself up

Jeff plans to have Amy escape so he smears Stacy’s blood all over her and brings her to the bottom of the ruin. As he provokes and berates the Mayans, he tells Amy to run and escape so she does and as she runs, she sees that the Mayans kill Jeff by shooting him in the head.

Jeff and Amy before Amy’s escape and Jeff dying.

After Amy’s escape, the audience sees two of Dimitri’s friends show up to the temple looking for him.


Growing up, we would go to Mexico and travel to the ancient civilizations nearby and I learned how sacred they were and how important it was to preserve the history. With that being said, there are some idiots in the world that don’t give a damn about historic places and buildings and just because of that, they should be taught a little lesson! Lol maybe a harmless prank! Nothing too crazy! We should play this movie at different historic buildings so no idiot tries to do something to them they should not be doing.

I actually remember watching this movie when it first came out in Mexico and thinking that every plant was going to kill me. LMFAO. I like the idea of random inanimate objects killing people so this is one of those movies that does just that. I think the idea of simply touching the vines is a death sentence because there is no getting out of your unfortunate end. I do admit that it would have been cool if they added a bullshit explanation as to why the vines kill you if you touch them.

The one negative thing that I can say this movie does is that they portray the Mayans being some of the antagonists in the movie. They did not kidnap these dumb ass Americans and make them climb the ancient ruins. They went on their own without researching the importance of those ancient sacred lands and then were shocked when they saw that the Mayans did not speak English or Spanish. The Mayans did nothing wrong! They knew not to go near the vines in the ruins and protected their own people by making sure that the dumb ass Americans would not get near them and expose them to the wrath of the vines. Am I being too harsh? I do not think so. LOL.

Other than that, I have nothing else to say about the movie. I liked the cast, the deaths and how it was not too gorey! Let me know if you want me to summarize and review any other cool horror movie!

