Blockchain Technology: Opportunities and Challenges in 2024

6 min readApr 14, 2023


Blockchain technology has been rapidly gaining attention in recent years. It is a decentralized and secure method for storing and transferring data. It has the potential to revolutionize various industries, including finance, healthcare, and supply chain management.

Blockchain Technology: Opportunities and Challenges in 2024

The technology allows for transparency, immutability, and enhanced security, which can greatly benefit businesses and individuals alike. Like with any new technology, some challenges and limitations must be taken into account.

What is blockchain technology?

Blockchain technology is a leading database mechanism that permits transparent information sharing within a business network. It stores the data in blocks that are linked together in a chain. Since the data cannot be deleted or modify the chain without the network consensus. Therefore, an unalterable or immutable ledger can be developed using blockchain technology for tracking,

  • Orders
  • Payments
  • Accounts & other transactions

Blockchain was popularised by its connection with NFTs and Cryptocurrency. Blockchain technology is currently being utilized in various areas, such as gaming to bring innovation, securing sensitive healthcare data, providing transparency in the food supply chain, and transforming data management and ownership.

Challenges of blockchain technology?

  • Low Scalability
  • Security Issues
  • High Energy Consumption
  • Low interoperability
  • Low Workforce Availability

Blockchain continues to be a prominent buzzword in the world of technology, with many believing it will revolutionize various industries such as finance, real estate, healthcare, and law.

Challenges of blockchain technologies

However, like any new technology, blockchain is currently in a hype stage and will face challenges that need to be overcome before it can fully power the modern world. While there are numerous possibilities, it will take time to address these challenges.

Low Scalability

Low Scalability is the main challenge in Blockchain technology. Blockchain normally works for a small number of users, but it may face challenges when the user level increases.

The transaction process takes a long time if the number of users increases. It reflects higher costs for transactions than usual and restricts more users on the network. It may even take days to complete the whole transaction process. As a result, blockchain technology is ultimately becoming less and less profitable due to this adoption difficulty.

A few blockchain technologies did produce speedier results, but they also slowed down when more users logged into the system. This problem needs to be solved as soon as possible because it is making technology in general seem quite dull.

Security Issues

Security is another significant issue in the blockchain. We’ve all heard how each blockchain technology boasts about its security. But, just like every other technology, blockchain has a few security flaws.

The 51% attack is a significant security flaw in blockchain technology. It allows hackers to take over the network and manipulate transactions, potentially restricting others from creating blocks. To address this, the protocol layer requires improved security measures. While some protocols are secure, there is uncertainty about their long-term effectiveness.

High Energy Consumption

Energy consumption is a significant concern with blockchain technology, particularly with the widely used Proof of Work consensus algorithm. This high energy usage can limit access for everyday individuals to participate in PoW networks, promote the creation of large mining pools, and hinder decentralization efforts by pushing individuals to join these pools. Additionally, the environmental impact of this energy usage raises further concerns.

Low interoperability

One crucial concern that needs to be tackled is interoperability, as it remains a significant obstacle for businesses considering adopting blockchain technology. Currently, most blockchains operate independently and are unable to exchange data with other blockchain networks. This lack of communication between different blockchain-based systems hinders their adoption and usability.

Low Workforce Availability

One major challenge faced by the non-fungible token (NFT) and DeFi industries is the limited availability of skilled workers. In the past year, these industries have experienced explosive growth in the number of nonfungible tokens and projects. As a result, there is currently a significant shortage of blockchain talent, with demand for skilled professionals increasing by more than 300% among both established businesses and startups seeking to hire the best personnel.

Blockchain technology opportunities

Here are five opportunities in blockchain that no company can afford to overlook:

  • Cost Reduction
  • Traceability
  • Improved Customer Experience
  • Ownership Verification and Identity Proofing
  • Enhanced Security

Cost Reduction:

Blockchain can reduce transaction costs by eliminating intermediaries and automating processes. Smart contracts can automate payment processing, reducing the need for manual intervention and reducing costs. Blockchain’s transparent and decentralized nature can reduce the cost of auditing and compliance. By eliminating intermediaries, companies can reduce transaction fees and increase efficiency.


Blockchain provides a secure and immutable record of all transactions, making it an ideal tool for supply chain traceability. Companies can use blockchain to track products and services throughout the supply chain, ensuring transparency and reducing the risk of fraud. This can help companies reduce costs and build trust with customers.

Improved Customer Experience:

Blockchain can help companies build trust with customers by providing a secure and transparent platform for transactions. Customers can be assured that their data is safe and that transactions are processed securely. This can help companies to build stronger relationships with customers, leading to increased loyalty and repeat business.

Ownership Verification and Identity Proofing:

Blockchain can provide a secure and tamper-proof record of ownership and identity. This can help companies reduce the risk of fraud and improve accountability. With blockchain, companies can verify ownership of assets, proving authenticity and reducing the risk of counterfeiting.

Enhanced Security:

Blockchain’s decentralized and immutable nature can make it more difficult for bad actors to compromise data or systems. Blockchain’s security features can help to protect against cyber-attacks and other security threats. This can help companies to reduce risk and protect sensitive data, providing a more secure environment for their operations.

Does blockchain technology have a future?

From crypto-enthusiasts to business professionals, many people see blockchain as a solution to a wide range of problems. Whether it’s concerned about security or the need for efficient data transfer, blockchain promises to provide answers. As the era of quantum computing approaches, security in traditional systems becomes more critical than ever.

Blockchain’s ability to reduce the risk of hacking and data tampering makes it an increasingly attractive option for companies looking to protect their data.

Below are the five reasons why blockchain technology is the future:

  • Smart Contracts
  • Web Servers
  • Banking
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Healthcare

Smart Contracts:

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts that can automate business processes and reduce costs. Blockchain technology provides a secure and transparent platform for smart contracts, enabling the creation of automated, trustless systems.

Web Servers:

Blockchain can be used to create decentralized web servers, providing a more secure and transparent platform for online activities. This can help to protect against cyber-attacks and other security threats, providing a safer environment for online activities.


Blockchain technology can revolutionize the banking industry by providing a more efficient and secure platform for financial transactions. Blockchain-powered systems can reduce transaction times, eliminate intermediaries, and provide a more secure and transparent platform for financial activities.


Blockchain technology serves as the fundament for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Cryptocurrencies provide a more secure and transparent way to transfer value, reducing transaction times and fees while increasing security and privacy.


Blockchain can improve the healthcare industry by providing a secure and transparent platform for patient data. Blockchain-powered systems can reduce the risk of data breaches, improve patient privacy, and enable more efficient sharing of patient data between providers.

Where will blockchain technology be in 5 years?

It’s challenging to predict the exact future of blockchain technology, but there are some indications of where it might be in the next five years. Blockchain will likely continue to gain more adoption in various industries, including finance, healthcare, supply chain management, and more.

As more companies and governments explore the potential benefits of blockchain technology, we may see further advancements in scalability, security, and interoperability.

Additionally, with the emergence of decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), we may see even more use cases for blockchain technology in the coming years.


In conclusion, blockchain technology presents significant opportunities for businesses and individuals across various industries, such as finance, healthcare, and supply chain management. With its potential to provide increased security, transparency, and immutability, it has the potential to revolutionize how we store and transfer data.

However, some challenges need to be addressed, such as scalability, interoperability, and regulatory hurdles. Despite these challenges, the future scope of blockchain technology looks promising, and it will be interesting to see how it evolves and impacts our lives in the years to come.




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