The Destiny of Human Estrangement

Tony Chan
3 min readJun 17, 2024

Some people’s arrival will break your original cognition; some people’s arrival will awaken all your dreams. Some people will accompany you for a long journey; some people will pass by your prime, and then go their separate ways.

As William Boyd said, “Originally, there is no obvious reason, but people will gradually drift apart, and this is true. We are all busy, and we can’t spend all our time maintaining relationships. The test of friendship is whether it can withstand these inevitable intervals.”

Not All Distances Can Produce Beauty

Each person who comes into your life has their own significance, and each person’s departure has their own reason for leaving. In a specific magnetic field, intersections occur, and a certain type of relationship is established. Once you leave the predetermined magnetic field, the relationship will naturally fade, drift apart, and eventually disappear from your world.

Distance cannot always produce beauty, and it can also separate emotions, making it impossible to understand each other’s lives, participate in each other’s lives, and ultimately becoming strangers, indifferent, and…



Tony Chan

Tony Chan, a minimalism writer focus on psychology, sociology, family relationships, and interpersonal interactions.