Exploring Geospatial Data: Unveiling Insights with Multidimensional Arrays

Leila Maritim
2 min readJun 1, 2023


Let’s imagine you have a large dataset containing information about temperature measurements taken at different locations across the globe. In Python, NumPy is a library that helps us work with numerical data efficiently. It provides a basic data structure called an ND (N-Dimensional) array, which is like a big table of numbers.We shall explore a dataset of

However, when working with real-world datasets, we often need more than just numbers. We need a way to attach labels or names to our data to make it easier to understand and work with. This is where Xarray comes in.

Xarray is another library in Python that builds on top of NumPy and extends its capabilities. It allows us to create more advanced data structures called DataArrays and Datasets. These structures still contain numbers, but they also include labels or coordinates that provide additional information about the data.

In our temperature dataset example, Xarray would allow us to attach labels to the temperature values. For example, we could label the dimensions with information like latitude, longitude, and time, so we know where and when each temperature measurement was taken. This labeling helps us understand the context of the data and makes it easier to perform operations like selecting specific locations or time ranges.

Furthermore, Xarray lets us store additional information, such as the units of measurement, descriptions, or any other metadata that helps us understand the data better. It also provides built-in functions and operations that make it easier to analyze and manipulate the labeled data.

When working with Xarray data structures, the recommended file format for storing the data is NetCDF (Network Common Data Form). NetCDF is a widely used file format for self-describing scientific data, suitable for multidimensional and labeled datasets.

An illustration of a multidimensional array of satellite images

To read and write NetCDF files in Python, there are two common options: using the SciPy library or the netCDF4-python library.Both libraries offer similar functionality for reading and writing NetCDF files. However, the netCDF4-python library provides some additional features and improvements over SciPy, making it a popular choice for working with NetCDF files in Python.

Let’s consider an example that utilizes multidimensional array data for analysis. To view and read through the example, please click on the image below. The sample data can also be found on the GitHub repository allowing you to perform your own analysis.

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