Jonathan Cherry
2 min readDec 29, 2023

Book Preview: “The Mystery Guest” by Nita Prose

There is no one like Molly Gray. She advanced through the ranks of the magnificent five-star Regency Grand Hotel to become the acclaimed Head Maid thanks to her talent for cleaning and good manners. However, just as her life is at its zenith, the famous mystery writer J.D. Grimthorpe mysteriously dies in the hotel’s tearoom, leaving her completely stunned.

It’s evident that this was a heinous murder when Molly’s old enemy Detective Stark investigates the writer’s untimely death. There are many suspects, and everyone is curious as to who killed J.D. Grimthorpe. Was it the newly hired maid-in-training, Lily? Or was it Serena, the secretary of the writer? Could the adored doorman of the hotel, Mr. Preston, be concealing something? And is Molly as innocent as she seems?

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Molly is aware that she is the only one who can identify the culprit, even as the case puts the hotel’s impeccable reputation in jeopardy. But because she met J.D. Grimthorpe a long time ago, the key remains hidden away in her history. Molly starts searching her memories for hints, going back to her early years and the enigmatic Grimthorpe estate where she used to work side by side with her dearly deceased Gran. Since the entire hotel is being investigated, Molly must crack the case quickly. If Molly is aware of anything, it’s that dark secrets are never truly hidden.

In conclusion, The Mystery Guest” skillfully combines societal satire and mystery. In her story, Nita Prose explores the most profound facets of human nature while also attempting to solve a bewildering riddle. The book explores more general socioeconomic topics against the backdrop of an opulent hotel. The environment is wonderfully depicted, and the characters are well-developed, resulting in an interesting and thought-provoking read. The narrative leaves a lasting impression on the reader because of its study of identity, invisibility, and the unexpected excursions life can take us on.

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