Building A Team That Sacrifices For You: The Power of Leadership and Trust

Cheree' Means
6 min readDec 7, 2022
Image Source: FreeImages

Leadership is an essential quality for any team to succeed, and it is especially important for teams that are willing to make sacrifices for each other. When a leader is able to establish trust and create an environment of mutual respect and understanding, it can have a powerful impact on the team’s performance. Building a team with a strong sense of trust and commitment can help create a culture of collaboration, where each individual is willing to sacrifice for the greater good of the team. With the right leadership and a commitment to trust, teams can be built that are capable of achieving incredible things.

What is leadership?

Before we can discuss how to build a team that is willing to sacrifice, we first have to understand what leadership actually is. Leadership is the ability to influence others and get them to buy into a common goal or vision. It is a skill that can be strengthened through practice, but there are certain traits that are essential to being a good leader. Good leaders are able to inspire a shared vision that unites the team and raises its sense of purpose beyond individual goals. They are also able to communicate this vision clearly and effectively, so that the people they are leading are able to understand its significance and how they fit into it. Strong…



Cheree' Means

Thought leader. Intersecting finance, travel, mental health, leadership, & parenthood. Empowering you to take control and to live your best life.