The Date That Commands

Cheree' Means
2 min readMar 4, 2019
The Date That Commands: March 4th. March Forth to March Fourth.

March 4th is the only date of the year that gives a command. March Fourth. It commands us to March Forth. For me, it has become a personal holiday. It’s a date that reminds me of my goals, my dreams, and my aspirations. March Forth doesn’t have to be connected to New Year’s Resolutions. It can be anything in our lives that we might have to remind and motivate ourselves to direct effort for desired change. It encourages me to be my truest self.

To March Forth is to do something you have always wanted to do or to do something that you know needs to be done.

To March Forth means to engage willpower and hopefulness, often enough to take just one step.

To March Forth can mean we are soldiering up, plodding and muddling through, to do the best we can.

To March Forth does not imply charging or pushing through haphazardly. If anything, it implies a slow methodical step in the right direction toward some particular goal, often one which may frighten us.

So on March Fourth consider one of the following, or something more personal, and give the command to MARCH FORTH.

MARCH FORTH past comfort zones, toward challenge and growth.

MARCH FORTH past old shames, fears, grievances, and feelings of inadequacy.



Cheree' Means

Thought leader. Intersecting finance, travel, mental health, leadership, & parenthood. Empowering you to take control and to live your best life.