How to install Flatpak apps on Linux

Cheris Patel
2 min readSep 1, 2020


What is Flatpak ?

Flatpak is a new universal package Manager just like apt and snap. Enabling Flatpak will give you access to the easy installation of many Linux applications. With the different distributions preferring their own package management, Flatpak aims at providing a cross-platform solution with other benefits. It makes the work for developers even easier. A single application build can be used in almost all the Linux distribution (that support Flatpak) without any modification to the bundle.

Flatpak has the same advantages as snaps. However, it uses Namespaces instead of AppArmour for sandboxing. The main difference is that Flatpaks can both use libraries included in the package and shared libraries from another Flatpak.

How To setup Flatpak for different Distribution ?

Here’s official link for installation of flatpak in different distribution. I’m going to show you how to install in Ubuntu 20.04

Install GNOME Software

Install gnome software by simply run below command:

$ sudo apt install gnome-software-plugin-flatpak

Now Add Flatpak repository

$ flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

Voila! It’s done Now you have to restart your system and after that you can enjoy flatpak apps in software center.

Install flatpak app from flatpak official website:

You can search your app on flatpak official website

install your favourite app or you can install from Terminal by simply using this commands:

$ flatpak search *Your App name*

then copy your Application Id and Install by using:

$ flatpak install flathub *Your Flatpak Application Id*

and run by using

$ flatpak run *Your Application Id*

For more Info :

