10 Reasons Why I Am Not Cait

3 min readMar 6, 2016



I have been quite vocal about my distrust of Caitlyn Jenner, even going as far as calling her the Transgender Donald Trump on Huff Post Live. Years before Caitlyn found the courage to protest her male privilege publicly, trans women of color from the past and present were on the front lines fighting for our liberation and our lives. It is no coincidence that last year was our deadliest year on record and also the year that Caitlyn Jenner came out. While I do not believe that visibility alone is the cause of this increase in violence, I suspect that some of the backlash our community is receiving is due to Caitlyn’s mishandling of her new found platform. Time and time again she has proven to be an unfit and unworthy representative of our diverse movement of which she exploits for her own personal gain. So instead of tuning into the second season of her show, check out these 10 reasons why I Am NOT Cait!

Caitlyn Comfortable w/ Trans Issues in the U.S.

How out of touch and far removed can you be from the people you want to represent at the United Nations? In case you missed it, we’re (well not you) facing violence, homelessness, healthcare disparities right here in AmeriKKKa.

Caitlyn 4 Cruz

Really Caitlyn? I guess you supported the 100 bathrooms bills introduced in local legislatures last year that would make it legal to discriminate against trans folks. This is what we mean by internalized transphobia.

Hardest Part of Womanhood = Deciding What to Wear

Bitch, Please!

Caitlyn on Marriage Equality

Who in their right mind goes on a TV show hosted by a married lesbian only to tell them that you didn’t support marriage equality? I tried to convince myself this was payback for the gays throwing us under the bus in 2009, but nope just Caitlyn being Caitlyn.

ESPY’s Courage Award + Woman of The Year Award

Courage, Bitch Where? The black trans women who rebelled at Stonewall like Marsha and Major had courage. You just hid for 65 years, while we fought and died like dogs in the street. And now you want to be our savior? White privilege is being named Woman of The Year, 6 months after you came out as a woman.

Caitlyn on Being Conservative

If you honestly think you get more flak for being conservative than you do for being trans, you must not read the comment section of your instagram.

Caitlyn’s Car Crash

Your failed attempts at advocacy may be just as deadly to us as your driving was to Kim Howe. When the universe speaks, listen. Everything in your life is telling you to pump the brakes, to slow down. It is only because of the wealth you amassed for 65 years as an able bodied white man that you were able to get those manslaughter charges dropped and settle out of court with your victims. Mya Hall wasn’t so lucky, she didn’t even hurt anyone but the NSA murdered her after her car accident.

Exploiting Black Trans Women

For Chandi, Blossom Brown and Angelica Ross.

Caitlyn on Welfare

Apparently you are more concerned with protecting systems that oppress us than the trans community itself. Our average income is less than $10,000 a year, but you probably spend that on a week’s worth of wrinkle creams.

Caitlyn Uncomfortbable with Non Binary Trans Folks

This is antithetical to Redefining Realness! Newsflash not all of us can or want to pass as cisgender. Just like its ok for women to wear pants, men can wear dresses. Furthermore some men have vaginas and some women have penises and all of these gender expansive identities and expressions are valid.

Cherno Biko is a media activist, human rights advocate and co-founder of Black Trans Lives Matter.

