When AI Meets Creativity: How Smart Tech is Powering Creative Minds

Cher Wang
10 min readMar 14, 2024


Imagine stepping into a world where your creativity isn’t just your own but is turbocharged by something that can dream up ideas beyond the ordinary.

Welcome to the era of AI-powered creativity! AI is shaking things up in a big way, transforming everything from how we make art and music to the way we whip up campaigns in advertising and design. It’s like having a superpower that pushes the boundaries of what we can imagine and create.

AI is playing a cool new role in the creative world, acting like a sidekick to artists and designers by beefing up their skills and handing them a bunch of awesome new tools.

It’s like having an incredibly smart buddy who can sift through mountains of information, spot the hidden patterns, and come up with stuff that’s totally new. This means creatives can leap over those pesky blocks that used to stand in their way and venture into territories they’ve never even dreamed of before.

AI in the Creative World

Video and Film

Let’s start with the most recent breakthrough, Sora. Here we got some clips that Sora generated.

Click to view the video

Sora is this cool text-to-video model from the brains over at OpenAI. It’s like magic — give it a text prompt, and voilà, it creates videos. It can even add more scenes to your existing videos or breathe life into still images.

Now that AI can cook up video footage, the jump to AI-generated films doesn’t seem that far off, does it?

There’s already a squad of 50 artists who’ve taken a stab at this, creating an AI-powered remake of Terminator 2, and yep, it’s a full-length film crafted with AI tools. How cool is that?

Visual Art

Another area where AI makes waves is in the world of visual arts. Bet you must have seen many so far. AI algorithms can analyse vast amounts of image data, identify patterns and trends, and generate original artwork based on simple prompts.

Adobe Firefly text-to-image Generative-ai

Mario Klingemann uses AI algorithms to generate stunning visual artworks that challenge traditional notions of what constitutes art.

Mario Klingemann and his AI artwork

These AI-generated artworks have been exhibited in galleries worldwide and garnered significant attention from the art world and the general public.


With Gen AI’s knack for creating visual masterpieces, it’s a breeze to see its potential in the design world. Think fashion, product design, architecture, or web design — areas where design is all about blending logic with creativity, art, and knowing what users want. AI isn’t just about the cool visuals; it’s also super savvy at getting into the minds of end users. It offers insights that can really steer the design process in the right direction.

Game Dev

Video game development has always been at the forefront, pushing tech boundaries for decades. Generative AI is now playing a big part in game dev, doing everything from cooking up NPCs and their dialogues to sparking new game design ideas and art concepts.

So, I had this chat with my friend who’s a senior game concept artist. He used to spend a good two weeks brainstorming ideas and sketching out drafts or basic 3D models for new concepts. But now, thanks to AI tools, he’s creating 10 different concept versions in just a couple of hours. He cracked a joke about how he’s still in the game, not replaced by AI just yet. Turns out, every concept artist in his crew is getting a boost from AI tools.


In the advertising world, it’s a similar vibe. Generative AI is totally flipping the script on how content is made and gobbled up, and it’s making some big waves in the industry. Some brands are already jumping into this new era, getting creative with AI in their campaigns.

Take Coca-Cola’s #CreateRealMagic, for example. They’re calling all digital artists to sprinkle some of their magic using AI tools.

Through the “Create Real Magic” contest, artists get to submit their AI-crafted masterpieces for a shot at lighting up Coke’s digital billboards in the heart of New York’s Times Square and London’s Piccadilly Circus. How cool is that?

Paul at Piccadilly Circus and Times Square

Content Generation

Text content generation has hit a pretty mature stage now, especially when it comes to whipping up advertising copy, social media blurbs, or even entire books.

Gone are the days when cranking out a book meant endless nights in front of a typewriter. Nowadays, writers are tuning into AI to smooth out their creative kinks, transforming those raw thoughts into polished stories.

Leveraging ChatGPT and the image magic of Midjourney, I managed to create a picture book as my son’s birthday gift.

Children’s book “Arlo is Arlo!” by Cher Wang and AI:)

Just got the hard copy in my hands, and I’m stoked to show it to him later.

Looks pretty sweet, right?

How AI Powers Up Creativity?

We’ve checked out some pretty cool examples and case studies already, so how about we dive into how AI is supercharging creativity?

1. Enhanced Creativity and Innovation

  • Idea Generation: AI can provide a wealth of ideas, styles, and perspectives that humans might not consider, leading to more innovative and creative outcomes.
  • Combining Elements: AI can combine elements from different domains to create unique and novel concepts or designs.

2. Efficiency and Productivity

  • Automating Repetitive Tasks: AI can handle repetitive or time-consuming tasks, allowing creatives to focus on the more innovative aspects of their work.
  • Speeding Up the Creative Process: With AI’s ability to quickly generate alternatives and iterate on ideas, the overall creative process can be significantly accelerated.

3. Accessibility and Democratization

  • Lowering Skill Barriers: AI tools can enable individuals without extensive training in a particular creative field to produce high-quality work, thereby democratizing creative expression.
  • Widening Creative Exploration: By making it easier to experiment with different styles, techniques, and ideas, AI tools can encourage more people to explore their creativity.

4. Personalization

  • Customized Content: AI can create personalized content that caters to the preferences and interests of specific audiences, enhancing engagement and relevance.
  • Adaptive Learning: In educational contexts, AI can adapt creative teaching methods to fit the learning styles of individual students, making learning more effective and enjoyable.

5. Collaboration

  • Enhanced Collaboration: AI can act as a collaborative partner, offering suggestions, alternatives, and improvements that can inspire human collaborators and lead to outcomes that might not be possible otherwise.
  • Global Collaboration: AI tools can facilitate collaboration across geographical boundaries, enabling creative teams to work together seamlessly, regardless of their physical location.

6. Exploring New Frontiers

  • Breaking Conventional Boundaries: AI’s capacity to process and generate work in ways that differ fundamentally from human cognition can lead to the creation of art, music, literature, and designs that push the boundaries of conventional genres and forms.
  • Interdisciplinary Innovation: AI can integrate knowledge and techniques from various fields, fostering interdisciplinary innovation and creating new forms of creative expression.

7. Data-Driven Insights

  • Informed Decision Making: AI’s ability to analyze large datasets can provide creatives with insights into trends, preferences, and feedback, informing decision-making processes and helping to tailor creative works to their audience.

8. Quality Improvement

  • Refinement and Optimization: AI tools can suggest refinements and optimizations to creative works, enhancing their quality and impact.

Their Voices

Let’s tune into what the creatives have to say.

Here’s the scoop from a survey of 113 creatives sharing their thoughts on AI’s impact on the creative world.

And some insights from Adobe users.

AI insights from Adobe users

Sure, some creatives are a bit anxious about their job security, but most are actually pretty excited about what their future careers look like with AI in the mix.

Future AI Creatives

AI’s role in the creative world is about to shake things up big time — changing how things are done, who does them, and what skills they need to bring to the table. Here’s a peek at what’s coming:

Shaking Up Traditional Roles

  • Evolving, Not Replacing: AI isn’t here to take over from human creatives. Instead, it’s going to change the game. Think of AI as the ultimate assistant for designers, artists, writers, and more, taking on the boring stuff so they can get down to cool, creative thinking and big ideas.
  • Mixing It Up with Hybrid Roles: Expect to see new kinds of jobs that mix tech smarts with artistic flair. Creative technologists or AI design strategists, for instance, will be hot commodities for their knack in blending AI into the creative process to boost both quality and efficiency.

New Opportunities on the Horizon

  • AI-Savvy Creatives: There’s going to be a hot market for creatives who are also whiz kids with AI tools. Whether it’s teaching AI about the finer points of beauty, and culture, or what makes us tick emotionally, these skills will be in demand.
  • Creative Consciences: With AI playing a bigger role, we’ll need folks who can steer it in the right direction, making sure AI-made content is cool with copyright laws, and cultural vibes, and celebrates diversity.

AI: The Ultimate Creative Buddy

  • Teaming Up with AI: Creatives are going to find a new best friend in AI, offering fresh ideas, sharing the workload, and even sparking brand new types of art and design. Imagine the wild, new styles and genres that could come out of this partnership.
  • Broadening Horizons: AI’s got the power to digest and analyze heaps of data from all over the place — different cultures, times, and fields. For creatives, that means a treasure trove of inspiration and the chance to push their work to new, exciting places.

Your Map to AI Adventure and Exploration

Here’s how you can gear up for the journey ahead and make the most out of your AI companions.

Future Skills

  • AI-Savvy: Master AI tools not just mechanically but creatively. It’s about making AI output sing with your creative tune.
  • Team Play: Shine in mixed squads. The magic happens when artists, data scientists, and AI experts mix their paints.

Continuous Learning

  • Boost AI Literacy: Keep learning. From AI basics to new trends, stay curious and informed.
  • Experiment: Start small with AI tools and projects, then level up as you gain confidence and creativity.

Bigger Picture

  • Authenticity: As AI crafts more, your human touch — emotions and stories — will be the gold that treasures are made of.
  • Ethics: Navigate the AI sea with a moral compass. Stay aware of copyright, authenticity, and bias.

Key Mindsets

  • Optimism with Caution: Be excited about AI’s potential but mindful of its pitfalls.
  • AI as a Co-Creator: See AI as a collaborator, not a competitor. It’s a tool that sparks ideas, not the final artist.
  • Embrace Humanity: AI may inspire, but human creativity adds the irreplaceable touch of authenticity and emotion.

How Can We Gear Up, from TODAY?!

AI Basics in Creativity

The Impact of AI on Marketing: From Algorithms to Artistry by Ogilvy

Introduction to Creative AI by ual: Learn how AI is transforming the creative industries, and build the skills you need for your creative AI career.

Generative AI for Creativity and Innovation by Adobe: Learn how generative artificial intelligence can help you imagine new possibilities within the classroom and beyond.

AI Toolkit

The past few months have seen an explosion in new AI tools for expression, often referred to as “generative AI.” (Source: Ness Labs)

I bet seeing all these logos has your head spinning, right? No sweat — this whole landscape’s just here to give you the big picture of what’s up right now. If something catches your eye, why not grab a few of the popular ones and take them for a spin? See how they vibe with your creativity.

These tools are gonna keep evolving, and you can bet there’ll be even more cool stuff hitting the scene. So, stay curious, keep exploring, and most importantly, have a blast with it!


Alright, I’ve saved the coolest for last: music. Meet Pierre Barreau, the brain behind AIVA, a next-gen AI music platform. He even rocked a TED talk about how AI can churn out personalized soundtracks.

Click to view the TED talk

Picture this: a soundtrack that’s all you, playing to the rhythm of your life and quirks. How cool is that?

Flashback to two years ago, my partner and I spent an entire month penning a song for our kiddo. I wish we had such an AI tool at that time:)

We’ve been all over the map talking about careers and the future. But the thing about AI that really blows my mind? It’s the power to supercharge every bit of our human intelligence, creativity, and feelings.

And here’s the kicker: I encourage you to dive into the AI wave, and play around with it, but also, don’t forget to celebrate your human touch. Because, in the end, that’s the real magic in the mix.



Cher Wang

A Multipotentialite | I do Digital Marketing, Design, 3D Art and Software Dev | AI-Curious