I'm just a person who watches people get their happily ever after

I wish life was more like the movies

She said


If a person is experiencing love for the first time, some people may be cautious and approach the situation with care and consideration, while others may be more open-minded and willing to embrace the experience without fearing the consequences. It’s as if the first person is being thoughtful and mindful of their actions, while the second person is going through life without worrying about the potential ramifications or outcomes of their actions.

“I wanna be the second person who loves without caution.”

All of us have the innate desire to love without any boundaries and with complete openness. We want to love without getting held back by the potential consequences or our doubts and insecurities. We want to feel secure and loved by the people who we love, and we want to be able to love them freely without restrictions.

As a human being, I often find inspiration and hope from the relationships I read in the book and relationships we see portrayed on television.

Why? It’s because even though both main characters are broken and hurt from their past experiences, we all know that they will still end up together in the end.

I want to be like those characters in the story. I want to feel all the love and emotion; however, I’m just an observer and someone who watches people get their happy end.

