Embracing Change — How Museums & Galleries Adapt to the Coronavirus & Futuristic Technology

Cheryl Woodruff Brooks, MBA/MA
The Startup
Published in
6 min readApr 17, 2020


Photo by Sebastian Pichler on Unsplash

As we remain on lockdown, museums and galleries around the globe are feeling the massive impact of empty venues and a loss of revenue. Consequently, the Coronavirus thrust many industries into consideration of alternative platforms such as online shopping, artificial intelligence, digitization and virtual reality to survive. Does the…



Cheryl Woodruff Brooks, MBA/MA
The Startup

CCO 0f Nilaja (Nee-Lah-Jah), Author, Speaker, Freelance Writer, Singer, Screenplay Writer.. Follow@cherylwbrooks🧜🏾‍♀️