Auspicium Melioris Aevi (A New Hope)

Kristin Cordova
2 min readDec 31, 2016


Every 31st of December, it has been a tradition to list all the memories I have for the past year (I usually write only the good parts) and today I have decided not to. The past is already gone and I am forever grateful for all the experiences I have for this year. I am more in love with the journey I am currently walking now and the moments of my past are forever engraved in my dearest heart.

Believer of not writing any new year’s resolution, I’d rather believe that hope is already given in each moment or each day that I have. The living mantra I will take as I live is to love and be grateful for each moment and to treat it as if it were my last. I love and am thankful for the now. I love and am thankful on where I am because this is what the universe has given me. I love and thankful for everything about the life I am given. I love and am thankful for the yin and the yang. I love and am thankful for the good and the bad. I love and am thankful for the joy and the pain. In every situation I am in, I will always look for an opportunity to learn, to grow and to be better for myself and for others. I do acknowledge and accepted that the only thing certain in this lifetime is impermanence. Nothing is guaranteed. I am not writing about this to become jaded about life but to show how beautiful life is. The more accepting I become of what it is, the more love and gratitude flows into my life.

