Cost Benefit Analysis-Hiring Fee of a DUI Lawyer Vs. Paying for A Conviction

Law Offices of David Chesley
3 min readAug 3, 2018


If you or your loved one is facing criminal charges for driving under the influence in Los Angeles, you already know that trouble is knocking at your door.

So, the first thing you must decide is whether you should open the door yourself or call a savior, i.e., A Los Angeles DUI Lawyer for your help.

The acceptable limit for Blood Alcohol Content is 0.08, and even the slightly higher readings are not overlooked. Overall, DUI charges are scary and a lot more complicated than these were a decade ago. There are strict penalties for DUI conviction including fines, jail time and community service.

If you have been a law-abiding citizen all your life and this is one of the first lapses, there are chances that you do not know anything about the legal system and courts. You may not completely understand what is coming your way and how to defend yourself from it.

However, still, many people who are accused of DUI choose to represent themselves as bait to save lawyer’s fee. Even though self-representation seems like a cost-effective option, it is otherwise. If you do not have court experience and have little or no knowledge about laws and available defenses, you can end up paying more in penalties by not being able to defend yourself convincingly.

To make the decision of hiring a Los Angeles DUI Lawyer easier and wiser for you, here is a cost-benefit analysis of lawyer’s fee and paying for conviction.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

People usually miscalculate the financial losses in case of a DUI conviction. The financial loss is not only the fines, but it also includes increased insurance premiums, court fees, and bail charges. In addition to these, there are other intangible financial losses which are often ignored.

Fines for DUI

If you have been convicted for DUI in California, you can expect around $1000 penalty for a first conviction. Usually, the total financial penalties are much higher. On average, the fines cost you about $2000. With a Los Angeles DUI Lawyer by your side, there are chances that charges are dropped, or you are pleaded guilty of a lesser offense which can save you from the penalty.

Community Service/ Rehabilitation Enrollment

The cost of enrolling in rehabilitation programs or community service programs is somewhere around $1500. It only includes the enrollment charges and does not add the value of time that you spend on these programs. However, the community service is almost mandatory with or without the lawyer. Only in the cases where the DUI lawyer can convince the judge of your innocence and charges are dropped, you do not have to enroll in these programs.

Suspension of Driving License

It may seem to not make a difference up front, but it can add up in your total expense. For example, your driving license is suspended, then you will need to travel through other modes such as bus or taxi which means an added cost. A DUI lawyer can help you secure an exclusion which allows the convicts to drive from and to work or educational institute with a suspended license.

Also, the duration of suspension also matters which is usually considerably shorter in DUI cases with a lawyer.

In case you are a commercial driver, the driving license suspension can make your employer fire you.

Cost of Criminal Record

In addition to the above-mentioned cost, the value of a criminal record is usually neglected. A DUI conviction becomes a part of your criminal record which can create hurdle in your career. It can be a severe problem if you are working as a delivery person, commercial driver or transporter. However, many other educational institutes or employers also reject admission or hiring due to a criminal record.

On the other hand, hiring a Los Angeles DUI Lawyer is only a fixed expense with no hidden charges. As DUI lawyers are successful in plea bargains, reducing the costs or getting charges dropped in 70% of the time, this option will help you to spend less and get more favorable outcomes.



Law Offices of David Chesley

At the Law Offices of David S. Chesley, Inc., our attorneys pride themselves on providing excellent service. Criminal defense, DUI, personal injury, etc.