What Happens in Vegas

Rippin Chester
10 min readAug 30, 2020


I wasn’t sure if I was really going to do this. I had fantasized about hooking up with a man for years, but now that the opportunity was really here, could I actually go through with it? I’m in Vegas, and what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right?With a deep breath, I stood up, pulled my jeans on, tied my shoes, and I was out the door. He checked all my boxes. Older than me (though I may have been fantasizing about someone in his 40s, not his 60s), he looked very sexy in the pictures he’d shown me, body hair, masculine, and most importantly: looking to get blown and only to get blown. I had a lot of fantasies about men that were unfulfilled, but the one I was most looking to get off the bucket list was I wanted to know what it felt like to have a man unload in my mouth. I didn’t want any attention paid to me, I wanted to feel submissive.I had downloaded a hookup app for my time in Vegas to see if I could finally fulfill the fantasy before I turned 32 next month. At 6 feet tall, 250 pounds, I had plenty of offers to blow me or bend over for me, but that wasn’t what I was looking for. There were surprisingly few men looking to just receive oral. Dave said he was just looking for a blow job, and Dave was in my hotel just a couple floors down. Perfect.I rode the elevator down to the lobby. Dave wanted to meet in public. He had had evening “team building” with his employees that I had to wait for him to finish before he was ready for me. He made sure to mention early and often in our chats that he was in town for a real estate conference, and he had a lot of responsibilities as the head of his firm. It was pretty transparent that he wanted me to know he was important (at least in his mind) to a degree that would have been very annoying in real life, but… I was in a head space where I would be lying if I said that the thought of blowing the boss wasn’t a turn on for me too.My stomach was in knots as the elevator doors opened on the lobby. I was freaking out, and had just about decided to change my mind and ride back up. I stepped out of the elevator for a moment, my head buzzing, and there he was. He was standing by the fountain, staring at his phone. I was immediately disappointed. He was shorter than he’d said on the app, maybe 5'6 versus the 5'10 he had promised, and he looked way older than in his pictures. It may also have been the fact that he’d been in a suit in his pictures, and standing here in front of me in khakis and a blue polo with a large laminated nametag hanging around his neck, he definitely looked less like the boss than I had been fantasizing about for the last several hours. There was no way I wanted this old man’s cock in my mouth, and I quickly decided to back out. Then, somehow through the Vegas sized crowd swirling around us, he looked up, directly into my eyes, and smiled at me.I was frozen like a dear in the headlights as he walked over to me with his hand out. “Hi, Mike?” I took his hand, stomach swirling, head buzzing, “Yeah, Mark, nice to meet you.””Wait, was it Mike or Mark?” I laughed nervously, unable to keep up my now obviously fake name for even one second. “Mike. Isn’t that what I said?”His hand was still shaking mine as he smiled back at me, the smile not reaching his eyes. He wasn’t buying my attempt to correct my fake name even a little bit. After a moment, his horniness obviously won out over any questions he had about me. “Mike. Sure. Nice to meet you. Shall we?” he asked as he gestured back at the elevator behind me. Just like that. No need for small talk, apparently.I felt like I was having an out of body experience as my body turned, seemingly of its own volition, and stepped onto the elevator with him. All thoughts of backing out were gone now. I wondered what we were going to talk about on the ride up to his room on the 20th floor when an absolutely gorgeous woman stepped onto the elevator with us. Early twenties, brunette, little black dress. My fantasy woman if I had been looking for a woman that evening.The woman didn’t even glance at me standing in the back of the elevator, but she beamed at Dave and immediately started chattering excitedly with “Mr. White,” as she called him. She was wearing the same laminated name tag as he was, and it was immediately obvious that Dave wasn’t exaggerating about being the boss, or at least not exaggerating about being her boss who she clearly felt the need to suck up to. I was just wondering what she would think if she knew what her boss and I had planned when I felt a hand on my ass. Her eyes flickered to his hand, flickered to my face, and I saw a look flash across her face as it clearly occurred to her that I was “Mr. White’s” evening entertainment. They both continued chatting as if nothing were out of the ordinary, but it was an odd feeling knowing that this gorgeous twenty something knew that I was about to hook up with this man clearly twice my age.Mercifully, the elevator ride came to an end, and she got off on the 18th floor without so much as a wink. The last two floors went quick, and I followed Dave to his room. I know he was talking, and I am pretty sure I responded once or twice, but I have no idea what was said. My mind was stuck on the woman from the elevator. No thoughts about me hooking up with her, but definitely thinking about how she must be judging me for hooking up with this old man.As we got into the room, he put his laptop bag down on one of the queen beds, and continued trying to make small talk. He asked if I was married or had kids, and I told him that I wasn’t here to talk about them. He stared for a moment, then just said “well, I like to kiss.”I stood there as he put his hands on my hips and looked up at me. I looked down at him, and suddenly we were kissing. My panic that had been present since the elevator ride quickly began to subside, and I was really enjoying kissing him. My hands moved to his hips, he pushed closed to me, and I definitely liked the feeling of our bodies pressing together. Then he decided to put his tongue into my mouth.I was not a fan of this old man’s shockingly muscular tongue in my mouth, but I was still enjoying the novelty of touching a stranger’s body for the first time in years. My hands had strayed up and under his polo shirt, and he was not lying about working out. His abs were rock hard, and his very hairy body was a turn on for me. I had never felt a man’s body hair before, and I was surprised by how wiry it felt as I ran my fingers through it. He put his hands up as I lifted his shirt over his head and set my hands back down on his chest, running my fingers through his chest hair.Our hands fought to get past each other as we took each other’s clothes off. Thankfully, the kissing had come to an end when his shirt went over his head. I was only wearing my blue boxers, and he was only in his black briefs when we fell back onto his bed. He tried to pull me up for another kiss, but I was already moving down his body. All thoughts of his age fled my head as I kissed my way through his incredible chest hair and down his stomach.My hands had remained on his hips, still too scared to take the last step and actually touch another man’s cock. As my lips passed his belly button, I knew the time had come, and I moved my hands to the front of his briefs. I was expecting the rock hard cock described in all the porn I had read, but I didn’t find it. I was perplexed as I didn’t find much of interest at all at the front of his briefs.I sat up a little and put his feet over one of my shoulders. I pulled his briefs down his legs, expecting to find his rock hard cock once I got them out of the way. But what I found, nestled in a thicket of silver pubes, was flaccid and, frankly, tiny. I am sure I did not conceal the disappointment in my face as I looked up at him. He looked disappointed too as he said “sorry, I took a Viagra. It will get hard soon.”I was in bed with a naked old man. I had let him put his muscly tongue in my mouth. I had endured the humiliation of a gorgeous woman knowing I was hooking up with her boss, and who knows what she thought I was doing right now. All I could think at this point was after putting up with this much, there was no way I was leaving this room without giving a blow job.I smiled down at him, with a confidence that I did not feel, and said “I’ll just have to get you hard then, won’t I?”And just like that, my face was back between his legs, deciding how best to start this. I had no idea how to begin. Then suddenly, his cock was just… in my mouth. It was so small there was nothing to it. So I opened my mouth a little further, and I was able to get both his cock and balls into my mouth. I had no idea what I was doing, but I heard a moan above me as I just started sucking.After a minute or two, I forgot about his cock and now I was just licking his balls. I was so nervous about what a cock would taste like, but the last thing I expected was for it to have no noticeable flavor at all. It just tasted like skin. Except of course for the indescribable feeling of balls in my mouth and the forest of pubes scratching my face. It’s hard to describe in a way that sounds sexy, but I was every bit as turned on as I thought I would be licking the boss’s balls.I have no idea how long I was down there, but I didn’t look up until I felt his hand in my hair, pulling me up. His cock was hard now, and it was clearly ready for attention. It was nothing that any porn writer would describe in a fantasy, but it was just the right size for my first cock. I thought of my favorite move when I get blown, and I ran my tongue up his balls, slowly up the underside of his shaft, wrapped my mouth around the tip, and then plunged my mouth slowly back down his cock in one motion.I was in heaven. All thoughts of the old man’s age were out the window. All worries about what the woman from the elevator thought of me hooking up with a man twice my age were gone. All that mattered was the now rock hard cock in my mouth, the submissive thrill of the silver pubes tickling my nose when I went deep, the manly feel of his wiry body hair as I kept running my hands up over his stomach and across his chest, and the moaning of the man who could only be described as writhing in enjoyment beneath me. Honestly, I was so into the feeling of fulfilling my fantasy and giving my first blow job that I didn’t much care if he thought I was any good. He certainly seemed to be enjoying himself though.I know he was talking above me, but I didn’t hear any of it. The first words that registered were when I felt him pull me off his cock by my hair as he said “I don’t want to cum yet.” He tried pulling me up for more kissing, but I was having none of that. I kissed my way down his cock, and started sucking and licking his balls again. He seemed to enjoy the change of pace until he pulled me back up to his cock and I started blowing him again.I went back and forth between his cock and his balls a few more times. The blow job didn’t last long, maybe twenty minutes. I knew that the only task left for me to complete was the big finish. There was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to swallow every drop of his cum.I wish I had a good story about him gripping my head, giving a primal shout, and blasting my mouth with a massive load, like in all the pornos, but that isn’t how it went down. He didn’t even grunt extra or say anything to warn me. I was just busily sucking his cock, when I suddenly tasted the flavor change. It took my brain a moment to register the bizarre flavor of fresh semen in my mouth. It was obvious what it was because it tasted just like mine. I didn’t even have time to think about it because my mouth was suddenly very full, and I started swallowing right away. Not because I consciously wanted to swallow his load, but because my mouth was full and I instinctually wanted to clear it before I started drooling. It occurred to me later that I didn’t even feel a texture difference that I could describe as the feeling of cum in my mouth.And then I was dressed and walking back down the hall. The flavor of his semen still in my mouth all the way back to my room. I am sure we talked as I got dressed after, but I don’t remember any of it except his insistence on another kiss at the door as I left. As I was walking back into my room, I realized that my boxers had never even come off. He had just used me for his pleasure, without ever even trying to make sure I came too. Fantasy fulfilled.




